Monday, November 2, 2015

Positive Polly

My job has many rewards, some you probably wouldn't think would be considered rewarding. I get the opportunity to speak with irate patients who are upset about their bills. Some want to curse me out and some want to cry and tell me all about their problems. Some want to blame me for everything that went wrong with their procedure and make excuses why they were mistreated by the office staff and or doctor. Some days I get to laugh and crack jokes with patients who are really having a bad day. Some days I get to say God bless you, I'll pray for you and have a blessed day. One thing is consistent, each patient is calling for me to handle an issue for them.

I spoke with one patient today for close to 30 minutes, she was very upset about how her claim was coded, etc. I believe she just wanted to be right, but there was no way for her to be right. She told me what she wanted me to do and I told her what I was going to do. She wanted me to agree with her and make the bill go away. THAT I COULDN'T DO. So, she finally agreed to do it my way. After that call I received one from a co-worker from one of the offices.

She called me as she saw I had called her earlier about another unhappy patient. She proceeded to talk about her day and how what we do have its days and can be very stressful. I agreed with her then, help her changed the way she looked at what we do. I let her know that I come to work to help those difficult patients, I look forward to making them smile after cursing me out about something I didn't do. I let her know that we were the voice for the company and it's important that we make the company look good by speaking well of it and our services.

I let her know we worked for a great company with great benefits. Paid holidays, paid inclement weather days, full healthcare benefits paid for by the company, flexibility with our time, no pressures from the boss, bonuses every holiday and great co-workers. She said, well aren't you the Positive Polly. I said yes, I guess I am. She said, well now I know who to call when I need a daily dose of positivity. She even said she was going to tell our CEO that my new name was Positive Polly. I'm cool with that as long as it's not the name on my paycheck.  :)

Today I learned that its important to turn situations around when they appear to be negative. I live everyday by my mantra Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday. I showed up today as "Positive Polly." Who will you show up as? You never know who needs uplifting....

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa