Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Reason To Live - Emma The Pig

I love watching OWN. There aren't a lot of shows I enjoy watching on television, but I enjoy watching OWN on Sundays. They have the most inspiring shows from Super Soul Sunday, to the Help Desk. If I had time I would sit and watch it every Sunday, but I don't have time so I DVR every show. Since today was a quiet day at home and away from the office for a few hours, I had time to watch this past Sunday's Super Soul Sunday. After this Sunday's episode of Super Soul Sunday with Rob Ellis and his wife, there was a short story about Emma the Pig.

You see Emma the pig was pregnant with not just one piglet but 17 piglets. Can you imagine giving birth to that many babies? We almost die giving birth to one. Fifteen of the 17 survived. Trying to take care of our children can be quit draining on our bodies, as it was for Emma the Pig. Feeding 15 piglets took all of Emma's energy and Emma the pig took ill. with a fever of 108 and no appetite. Because of Emma's illness, her owner took the piglets away from her so she could get better. She was not getting better on her own, so the farmers did what they knew to do,  mix up everything they knew to mix up and gave it to Emma the Pig to bring her back to life. They were able to get the fever down, but they could not get Emma to eat. The farmer's knew if Emma didn't eat soon, she would die, and so would her babies.

The farmer's had only one solution, give her back her babies. If there was anything worth living for it would be her babies. So, they gave Emma back her 15 babies and they began to love on her, by getting their lifeline back from her. I thought I almost saw a smile on Emma's face. Just having her babies back made her kick and holla just a little.  It wasn't long after the babies came back to do what came natural for them, did Emma get her appetite back and was up and walking with her babies. She began to train the piglets how to use their nostrils and plow the fields, she taught them how to play together and take care of themselves and each other. Two months later, her babies were off her milk and feeding themselves.

Emma lived on and became old and fat and made friends with a very old rooster. :). Her children went on to have piglets and slop fields of their own.

What's the moral of this story. We, much like Emma, may have had the life sucked out of us because of the things we do for others or the things we do for ourselves, but the ONE thing that can bring us back to life as it did Emma the Pig... IS having a reason to live. Emma didn't get better until her reason to live returned.

Remember the story of Emma the Pig when life starts to suck the life out of you... there is always a reason to live even if the only reason is YOU!

Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Monday, February 9, 2015

Moving Monday - Standing Oblique Twist

It's Monday and it's time to get moving. This week we will focus on our obliques. This exercise is pretty simple, All you need is some resistance and space. I love this exercise because it really focuses on the obliques and also gives the arms a little workout as well.

Even though abs are made in the kitchen, I will still provide you with some exercises along the way.

And remember - It's not about the weight but the heart.

Be blessed, and Find Peace Within.
Ms. Lisa

Monday, February 2, 2015

Moving Monday - Stability Ball Leg Lift

We will continue working on our legs but I'm adding a little buttocks in there this week. Have you noticed your rear-end is bring up the rear? Is it dragging just a little? You want it round and solid? I'm sure you do. So many people tell me they want my buttocks, well it has taken lots of squats, lunges, and leg lifts to get this round bottom. So, ladies here you go, today's movement. Stability Ball Leg Lift. This exercise works both the back of the thigh, lower abs, and the buttocks. This movement promises lots of burn, pain and discomfort, however the results are amazing. I only suggest you do this movement twice a week 3 sets of 10.

Let's get moving on this marvelous Monday.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
Find Peace Within

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Light Skinned - Dark Skinned

What's up red bone- there she goes with her high-yellow self - who she think she is... she must think she's cute cuz she's light skinned. She mess with me, I'll cut her face and  her hair - Put a paper-bag to her face to see how dark she is - if she's darker than that bag than she's a red-bone and we don't like red-bones

I watched the episode on OWN "Light Skinned - Dark Skinned" and it brought back many memories for me. If you haven't seen it, you must.

The words from our very own people that have plagued us for years. Yes, it's obvious I'm light skinned or red boned as my brothers would say. Racism in our own house. Words that separated us from the others. My mom's light skinned and my dad is dark skinned. My 2 older  sisters are darker skinned and the other 3 are light skinned. But what we all have in common is we're family. Family but yet separated because of the color of our skin. I can remember as a child we would ask kids in school who were light skinned and we met for the first time- who was the light skinned one in their family, their mom or dad. we didn't know any better. It was learned behavior. Kids only do what they see adults do or say.

I remember the days of walking down the hallway of Butler High School in Hartsville SC - faced with fear from those who bullied me because of the color of my skin. They threaten to cut my face, cut my hair, slap me until I was blue in the face, and punch me in the eyes all because I was light skinned. They would wait for me at the Security Apartments as I walked home from school to push me down or call me names. I wore dresses all the time, so I really couldn't fight them because I would skin up my light skinned legs.

I had nothing to do with the color of my skin but yet I was being bullied because of it. Things were bad for you back then if you were light skinned. Most of my friends were light skinned now that I look back at it. With the exception of a few. We all had something in common..... most dark skinned girls hated us all because of the color of our skin. It got so bad that I asked my parents if I could transfer to the white school so I wouldn't be bullied anymore for being a light skinned black girl. It was almost like being almost white was better than being  almost black. Sad to say but true. Even though in the white world we were still black, but in the black world we were half/white. I transferred from the black school to the white school in the 9th grade.

As I got older and began to experience life, I noticed that most light skinned girls were dating dark skinned guys. I guess it was just what we did because of the way were were brought up. We would hear people say, if she's light and he's dark they'll make beautiful babies. And if she was dark and he was light, they would make dark babies. I remember when my a new born was brought home, the first thing the older people would do was look at the top of the babies ear. They said the color of the top of the ear would determine the skin tone of the baby. I know we all have done it... and sure enough if the baby had dark ears the baby was dark skinned and if the baby had light ears the baby was light skinned.

Be it as it may, we all have skin to live in whether dark or light, black or white, brown or yellow. We all have skin. The most important thing we must be is COMFORTABLE IN OUR OWN SKIN. There is no color that's more beautiful than the other. If there is only one beautiful color, why is there more than one color in the rainbow, why is there more than one color in the coloring box, why does orange and yellow make brown, black and white makes gray? Because every color is important and it takes every color to make up this wonderful melting point we call EARTH.

So, don't get caught up in who's light and who's dark, as long as you are comfortable in your own skin and can find makeup to match your complexion :). LOL-  It takes two colors for me (dark and light)... lol. WHY because I have Caramel Complexion. Yelp I said it... I'm a light skinned caramel girl.

Remember God made you and everything He made is good.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa D.
Find Peace Within