Sunday, March 19, 2017

Let's get it all out the closet... Living a simple, peaceful life often requires us to get those skeletons out of the closet. Now that Spring is right around the corner, take time to quiet yourself and take a good look at what you want to follow you into Spring, Do you want to give off good energy or bad? Do you want to be liked or honest? Do you want to live free or live in fear? Need a few tips on how to get there?

Tip 1 - prayer and meditation 
Tip 2 - Don't be afraid of what you discover 
Tip 3 - Be serious about who and what has to exit your life.  I believe the hardest part about cleaning the closet is the memories that you will let go of in order to live a clean and simple life. All memories aren't worth holding on. 

Remember to Smile Show UP Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

When Was Your First Time?

I remember it like it was yesterday. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. Such a feeling of freedom..... nobody to tell me what I was feeling was wrong, or what I was doing had consequences. My thought was, "what took me so long to give into my desire." Not only did it give me a great feeling of independence, but I wanted more and I didn't want the feeling to end. I loved it and wanted to remain in this state forever.

When was the last time you felt freedom?

I remember about 25 years ago, I had to be all things to all people and I had to be the way they all wanted me to be. I had to denounce ever getting married the first time. I had to say my first marriage never existed before I could marry my second husband who was Catholic. I never knew and or dreamed I would have to deny who I was or where I had been in order to be with someone else. Silly me, I did it anyway. Ignorance and Stupid Love... we all know the end of that story... it ended..

Walking away was the first time I felt FREE. Free to say, NO, I ain't doing it. YES, that's what I want. Getting there(free) was a journey, but staying there (free) was a choice.

Do you remember your first time? Your first bit of freedom, your first time of accepting yourself just the way you are? There aren't many of us who can honestly say, I'm okay being who I am without comparing ourselves to someone else. I've noticed the older I get the more comfortable I am with being Lisa. This is my first time...

In the words of the worlds most famous poet, +Maya Angelou  "if you don't like something change it, if you can't change it, change your attitude." I chose to change it and my attitude.

Get there, practice there, stay there....

Remember to
Smile, Show Up , Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa