Thursday, October 29, 2015


And it is so.....


Be blessed,
Remember to Smile Everyday, Showup Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

If it hurts, it's still there

How many of you have heard people say they have a problem with you? I'm sure if you are reading this blog, you've heard people make that statement. Now, the question is, do they have a problem with me, or is the problem  really, they really haven't dealt with their own problems to make you be an issue with them. Michael Jackson has a song called, "Man in the Mirror". I don't know the lyrics to the song, but I do know the title. Most of the time when someone has a problem with you, first it's their problem, not your problem. If you get upset about something someone did or said to you, remember, it's your problem, not the person you're upset with problem.

Now, if you're going around offending people on purpose then that is a problem. The bible teaches us to go to our brother and sister in meekness if we feel your brother has an alt against you. If they don't receive you, you get another witness, and if they refuse it, then you go before the church. Most of us aren't going to the church to solve problems, but we must search ourselves to find out why there is a problem in the first place.

So how do you deal with what's still hurting you? First:

1. Admit that you still have a problem in that particular area.
  • If you don't like being called out in your wrong, then confess that you still have a problem with     being held accountable.
  • You have to deal with the fact, what was said or done to you made you upset.
2. Identify the root of the problem.
  • Where did this originate from? Why does this still hurt me? Are there some unresolved issues I have not closed the door to? Deal with the problem don't shut down and or blame someone else for the problem you have.
3. Become aware of how you respond to certain situations.
  • It's very important to be self-aware. I heard this quote one time, "the outcome of a conversation depends on the response."
  • When you respond in a way that makes you upset, ask yourself this question, Why did I respond that way? and seriously deal with it.
4. Make EVERY effort to change
  • When you find yourself behaving the same way when certain situations come up in your life or certain questions are asked, stop and make a decision to do something different.
You may feel like you're okay and or you like being the way you are, anger and all. But that is not how God wants you to live. He says in His word, if you keep your mind stayed on me, He will keep you in perfect peace. So, when you are getting upset and or responding in a way that is causing anxiety within, and or causing you to respond to something that isn't becoming of your character, Where is your mind, and what is your mind on.

Before I respond to a situation, I always ask myself a question, "How do I want this to turn out?"

Find peace within by making a different decision this time. 

Be blessed,
Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cut It!

As the yard lover that I am, I enjoy cutting grass, pulling weeds, trimming hedges, planting flowers, etc. Sometimes I just sit on the porch and gaze at my hard work. Even though I have a yard man cutting the lawn now, I still get out there and do everything but that. But there is something I noticed, when ever I trim something in the yard, it seems to grow faster.

I cut my beautiful Hostess plants down to the ground late August, because they had gotten so HUGE. Most hostess will grow really big after the third year. Anyway, one morning as I was sitting outside during my meditation time, I noticed that the hostess had began to grow again, even though its season for growth was up.

That got me to thinking. How many things in our life would really grow if only we did a little cutting? I've cut somethings out of my life. Things like, watching reality TV shows, excessive time on social media, (not that I did it a lot anyway). I've cut negative people out of my life. I've changed friends. I've cut out making issues out of something that didn't matter. I've cut out trying to be someone I wasn't designed to be. I've even cut out going to the gym everyday.

Now that I've cut out the things in my life that were not productive or was holding me back from growing, I've found that my roots have taken hold to the grown and began to grow again. Much like the hostess plant that began to grow again, I'm growing as a child of God, wife, mother, author, entrepreneur, mentor, teacher, leader and friend. I have new friends, people who can call me out when I'm wrong, and can speak life into me when I'm down. I spend more time reading and studying the bible. I spend more time writing and hearing from God, instead of watching TV. Don't get me wrong, I still watch "Bones" - that is my favorite TV show in all the world, and I enjoy watching DIY TV, Law and Order, and all the holiday movies. It's called finding balance. I still work out, but not for hours at a time. Now it's 30 minutes 4 days a week to maintain a good heart and healthy weight. Cutting IT has allowed me to grow in areas I never thought were possible.

My advise to you today is to CUT IT - and let it GROW AGAIN. There are just somethings you don't need where you're going in this new season.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pay attention to what you don't see.

This weekend I celebrated another milestone in my life. After finishing college in April 2015, I finally walked across the stage and officially graduated from the University of Phoenix. Excited, absolutely! This was one thing I really never thought I would EVER do, but you know what, I DID. Today, I am glad I made the sacrifice and believed in my self and went back to school.

Being the person that I am, I am always listening to important messages when people speak. At the Commencement Ceremony, Representative D. Craig Horn, the Representative, of the District 68  General Assembly, spoke to the class. He said some very thought provoking comments, but one really stood out for me, and it was this, "If you're surprised you weren't paying attention." I had to write that one down. It got me to thinking. I've heard many people say how surprised they were with the behavior of certain people. I've said it myself. We'll say something like this,  "Wow that caught be my surprise." Did it really catch us by surprise or were we so focused on not seeing what really exist to the point we denied what we saw?

Often time we'll see a situation unfolding but ignored it. For example, when are children misbehave but yet we look at it and laugh and make comments, like, "oh he's or she is so cute".... but yet that child is being, what some would call disrespectful. The child grows up and begins to act out and become more disrespectful, then as a parent, we'll say, "Wow, I'm surprised at his behavior. I didn't see it coming. I wonder why he or she is acting that way." Why are we surprised, when we failed to deal with the situation in the beginning, so it wouldn't grow into a bigger problem later. It's always what we don't see that we are caught off guard with, but when we're paying attention to everything that's going on around us, we will NEVER be surprised.

When you take time to pay attention to what you don't see, you'll be more aware of what's really going on. When you don't see someone doing what you know to be right, don't be surprise when they don't do right with you. If you don't see a person being responsible and taking care of business, don't be surprised when life hits them in the face like a ton of bricks and they find themselves in a crisis.

We've taught our children that life is about making the right choices, and with every choice is a consequence. Pay attention to what you don't see and open your eyes to what you do see so you want be surprise.

Find peace within by opening your eyes to see what's really going on in your life.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
Remember to Smile Everyday, Show-up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

When did you have your funeral?

I spent today catching up on some of Prophet Brian Carn's crusade video's on You Tube. If you haven't ever listened to his ministry, you are missing a true prophetic word from God. In one of his messages he spoke about how we die to our flesh. You know the word of God says we should die daily to sin. In the message he mentioned that when we have really died to our flesh, things that use to bother us, no longer does. I started thinking, ummm, what in my life do I have to bury? What still sparks a match to my flesh? He asked the question, when did you have your funeral?

Now, there aren't many things that really get me fired up, as I really do practice finding peace within. As I began searching what needed to be buried, I thought about how I get upset when my co-workers take advantage of my ability to handle difficult patients on the phones and always transfer the calls to me. LOL, something small right, but that really gets under my skin. Then I began to think about how I really don't like for my routine to be disturbed as I am a creature of habit, that really gets under my skin. And I thought about how I really don't respond well to unplanned situations that could be avoided, that too really gets under my skin. Now, do I have an anger problem, no I do not, I don't raise my voice, or shout and scream. I don't even pout, I just begin to clean uncontrollably if at home, forget to eat, or react by asking a question that I already know the answer to. Even though I'm not acting out in a way that doesn't seem disorderly, I am still acting in my flesh. Sounds like I need to have a funeral.

Today I prepared my eulogy as I will practice finding peace within

The Eulogy of Lisa L. Dalton a contagious spark of hope:

Lisa Dalton learned how to appreciate the confidence her co-workers had in her ability to calm people down upset patients. Lisa Dalton really knew how to go with the flow and adjust her schedule to help others, it didn't matter if she was busy, she would stop what she was doing to help those in need. She stayed calm when unexpected situations arise as she was always the one looking at the bright side of the situation. She would come with a smile, willing to assist with what ever she could. She learned how to relax when taken out of her center, speak her mind in love, and respect people for who they were, the good and the bad.

Today, I had my funeral, when will you have yours?

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Lisa D.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

How are you thinking?

I wonder if he really loves me being the way I am, you know-- all LOUD and stuff? I know I'm in trouble, I know I am. I know he's going to get me when we get in the car. I know he's going to tell me not to do that anymore once we get in the house. I know my parents didn't love me the way they loved the others because they gave me away to my grandma. I know my son is not going to make it as a man because he didn't have his father in his life.

These are just a few of the thoughts I've had as a girl, woman, mother, and wife. I believe,you, perhaps, have thought some of the same things as well. What I realize,  I could think all I wanted, but my thinking was contributing to what I was feeling.  I would tell myself that he can't love me because I've been married twice, had affairs in my past, and just not worthy of the gift God had for me. I was thinking this way and soon began feeling this way. I was feeling disconnected from my family because my parents thought it would be good for me to live with my grandmother. With that thought in mind, I began feeling like the black sheep of the family.  I was thinking my son was not going to be a great man because there wasn't a father in the home. The things I was thinking created feelings within me that were further from the truth.

As I was going through my TRUTH, I realized, it didn't matter how many times I was married or if I had affairs in the past, I was worthy of love and it wasn't my past he wanted to be apart of, it was my now, and my future he was interested in. When I finally got the nerve to ask my parents about "WHY" I was the one chosen to live with grandma, I realized, it wasn't about me, it was about her and the emptiness she had in her own life. What my parents saw, was a chance for my grandmother to have the daughter she never had. I was a precious gift given to grandma to bring joy into her life. Somehow they knew I would be okay being with her. Even with no father in the home, my son is the priest, provider, and protector of his family.

Today, begin thinking about what you are thinking and feeling. Make a connection between your thinking and your feelings. Your thinking really does contribute to the anxiety you have and could even be the cause of the sickness in your body. It's okay to think and feel, just let your thinking and feelings be validated based on the truth that you know, not the truth that you think or feel.

How are you thinking?

Find Peace Within
Remember to, Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Be blessed,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Another Breath-Another Chance

There have been many disappointments in my life,
Some I just can't figure out.
The thoughts of having someone there with me to lift my arms
seemed like the thing to do without going wrong.
But when the arm was no longer opened, I felt there was no arm for me,
But what I failed to realized, Another Breath, Another Chance.

God gave me life to live and I'm living it,
God gave me breath to breathe and I'm breathing it.
God opened doors for me and I'm walking in it,
Now I can say - Another Breath, Another Chance.

When my world seemed to look dark and gloom,
And my family said there was no more room.
I looked away feeling there was no hope for me,
And the blessings God gave to me weren't for me.

Then one day I heard the Lord say,
Failing is not failure, so don't count me out.
Today I stand strong in the faith,
I hear him saying, Another Breath, Another Chance.

God gave me life to live and I'm living it,
God gave me breath to breathe and I'm breathing it.
God opened doors for me, and I'm walking in it,
Now I can say, Another Breath, Another Chance.

Don't give up on your dreams no matter what the test,
There is hope and peace for you every step of the way.
God created you with a purpose, yes He did,
And what He's started in you He's able to perform.

Another breath gives you another chance. Oh yes it does,
Everyday you're here is another chance.
You see, one day I decided to live for Him all the way,
And now I have another chance.

God gave me life to live and I'm living it,
God gave me breath to breathe, and I'm breathing it.
God opened doors for me and I'm walking in it,
Now I can say, Another Breath, Another Chance.

Be blessed, and
Remember to Smile Everyday, Showup Everyday, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within,
Ms. Lisa