Wednesday, October 21, 2015

When did you have your funeral?

I spent today catching up on some of Prophet Brian Carn's crusade video's on You Tube. If you haven't ever listened to his ministry, you are missing a true prophetic word from God. In one of his messages he spoke about how we die to our flesh. You know the word of God says we should die daily to sin. In the message he mentioned that when we have really died to our flesh, things that use to bother us, no longer does. I started thinking, ummm, what in my life do I have to bury? What still sparks a match to my flesh? He asked the question, when did you have your funeral?

Now, there aren't many things that really get me fired up, as I really do practice finding peace within. As I began searching what needed to be buried, I thought about how I get upset when my co-workers take advantage of my ability to handle difficult patients on the phones and always transfer the calls to me. LOL, something small right, but that really gets under my skin. Then I began to think about how I really don't like for my routine to be disturbed as I am a creature of habit, that really gets under my skin. And I thought about how I really don't respond well to unplanned situations that could be avoided, that too really gets under my skin. Now, do I have an anger problem, no I do not, I don't raise my voice, or shout and scream. I don't even pout, I just begin to clean uncontrollably if at home, forget to eat, or react by asking a question that I already know the answer to. Even though I'm not acting out in a way that doesn't seem disorderly, I am still acting in my flesh. Sounds like I need to have a funeral.

Today I prepared my eulogy as I will practice finding peace within

The Eulogy of Lisa L. Dalton a contagious spark of hope:

Lisa Dalton learned how to appreciate the confidence her co-workers had in her ability to calm people down upset patients. Lisa Dalton really knew how to go with the flow and adjust her schedule to help others, it didn't matter if she was busy, she would stop what she was doing to help those in need. She stayed calm when unexpected situations arise as she was always the one looking at the bright side of the situation. She would come with a smile, willing to assist with what ever she could. She learned how to relax when taken out of her center, speak her mind in love, and respect people for who they were, the good and the bad.

Today, I had my funeral, when will you have yours?

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Lisa D.

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa