Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Write IT Seven Times - When Soul and Vision Meets

 I know many of us have read the scripture, "Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie, Though it tarries, wait for it. Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.- Habakkuk 2:2-3.

I've read this scripture I don't know how many times and have heard in church hundreds of times, BUT, I never paid attention to the number of times the word IT was used; until this morning. I read it twice and the word IT is used SEVEN times. Now, the number Seven is said to be God's complete number. The number of completion. God created the world in SEVEN days... He saw what he wanted and did it in SEVEN days.

Here's my charge to you today. Identify what it is you want, writ it out SEVEN times on your vision wall. If you don't have a vision wall and or board, get one. Remember when you were in trouble at school and you had to write on the board what you did, saying that you wouldn't do that IT again??? Well, now is your time to WRITE on the wall... but this time it want to say what you want do again, but to say what you will do again.

Keep your eyes on the wall and walk it out.

Remember to Smile Show Up Succeed Everyday. Find Peace WithiN

Be blessed,

Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

It Runs in the Family

 It's really interesting when you sit around the table with your family and see how everyone has their own makeup but still yet similar in many ways. I can testify to that. While home for Father's Day, my sisters and I were talking bout how we are all shaped differently. Two of my sisters are blessed to have nice size breast as the other four of us aren't. then there are four of us who are blessed to hve nice size hips and buttocks while the other two with breast don't. It was funny while we were talking about it because it's a reality in many families. what makes it that way? Well, it's that ting we call GENES. 

While genetics are a factor, believing you are destined to be overweight for life because you've inherited "fat genes" is the most dis-empowering and self-defeating attitude you could ever adopt. The only way you'll lose weight permanently is to accept total responsibility for yourself and acknowledge the fact that you have the power to change, regardless what mother nature has give you to work with. 

Weight loss drugs do not take the place of diet, exercise, patience and perseverance. You don't have to be a product of your environment or your heredity. But be a product of your own thinking and belief systems. So be positive, be consistent and get moving. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Choice is Yours

 How many of us have professed to be a Christian? Many of us, I'm sure. We try to be cautious of the things we say and do. We're careful in the way we treat people and interact with them. We make sure that the people we come in contact with knows that we're representing Christ. When night comes and it's time to lay down to rest, we pray and ask the Lord to forgive us for the sins of commission (the ones we know of) and the sins of omission (the ones we know not of). But how many of us look at unhealthy food as one of those things that could separate us from seeing the Kingdom of God? 

If eating 2 slices of chocolate cake was like back biting, would you eat it? If eating a whole pizza was like committing adultery, would you do it? If drinking a Starbucks Frappuccino (400 calories) was like murdering your best friend, would you drink it? I believe I've gen you enough examples to get my point across.

As funny as it may sound to compare unhealthy food to sin, it's such a realistic look at how we treat our bodies. If we are striving so hard to live a Godly life and make it to heaven, then why do we destroy the temple with the foods we allows to enter our bodies? The word of God says clearly that it is His desire that our souls prosper and that we be in Good Health, III John 1:2. You see, it is His desire that we have a good healthy lifestyle. Now, I know that eating unhealthy is not going to be a factor in us making it to heaven, but I do believe that it can be a factor in how fast we get there.

Don't let an unhealthy lifestyle separate you from having what our Father desires for you. He wants you healthy, rich, and her to enjoy life.

Remember to Smile, Show Up and Succeed Everyday

Be blessed,

Ms. Lisa D. :)