Monday, November 9, 2015

Be Silent and Smile!

I met with a very dear friend this weekend to do some trouble shooting with my book. The closer I get to the release date, I thought it would be important to get the view point of not only the business professional strategist but also the professor of education. As she read my manuscript, she said something very profound to me about my smile. She said, she has not only learned that my smile speaks of joy and happiness, but it also speaks of silence in the storms. You see, she's seen me as a preacher's wife and first lady as well as an educator. She has seen me in situations where all I could do was smile, because if I wasn't smiling, something might have popped off. Yelp, that's right popped off. LOL. Thank God for deliverance. Now I'm all about peace.. Praise The Lord. :) Of course, being the person that I am, I thought about what she said.

She is right, that is how I handle situations that I know I can't change.

You have to know when to be silent. When you're dealing with a situation that you know you cannot win and or your voice want be heard, Be silent and Smile! The other person will not know what you're thinking. Your smile will display that you are not moved or bothered by what they are doing or saying.

You only respond negatively to situations when it's not going your way. Does it really matter who wins in the end? After all, we're not here to fight each other, we're her to love and build each other up. Support and cheer each other on. Make positive contributions to the world, and die empty.  If there is a problem to be solved, or an issue to be resolved, there should be a common ground where it's okay to agree to disagree.

The message today is: If talking is not the answer -  Be Silent and Smile!

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed
Ms. Lisa D.

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa