Sunday, November 29, 2015

Move like the Ant

I am 31 days away from the release of my upcoming book, Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Everyday - A little bit of honey to make your day count and a little sweeter. I thought I would share an insert from the chapter "Mission Accomplished"

Let's consider the life of the ant and see what lesson we can learn from her.

. I learned a lot about ants as I watched her walk back and forth on the bricks.
            This is what I imagined her saying, “I have to get home with this worm.  I have to begin storing up for the winter. Oh no, a cliff! I can’t go this way! I’ll just back up and go the way I started. Woooo! Let’s see if I can go to the right. Yes, this looks like a good way to go. I’ll go down the side of this brick; surely it connects to the ground somewhere. I’ll put my foot out just to see if this brick connects to the ground. Nope, no connection. Let me back up again and go back the way I started.” After several attempts of trying to find a way to the ground the ant stops and regroups. As the ant looks around, she sees another way. “Great, this looks like a clear path, I’ll go this way.” With the worm in one arm and determination in her heart, the ant travels to another set of bricks. “Okay, this looks like it will work, I’ll just go down the side of this brick, and I’m sure it connects with the ground.”

            The ant travels a few feet down the side of the brick and finally makes a connection to the ground. “Thank you, Lord, I’m on my way home.” Little did the ant know there would be many more hurdles to cross, rocks to climb and leaves to go over as she traveled home. “What is this? Another rock, another leaf, another twig, more dirt, and what’s this big orange thing? But wait, I believe this big orange thing can take me across all the bricks, dirt, leaves, and rocks that lay ahead.” The big orange thing was my orange extension cord. “Lord I knew You would make a way for me to make it home safe. Thank You for not letting me drop the worm during my journey. Thank You for making the crooked way straight for me.” Mission accomplished! 

What if we were like the ant... Keep moving... work hard... knowing there is a reward on the other side of the trail.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed
Ms. Lisa

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa