Sunday, December 6, 2015

Don't Let It Happen to You

Can you believe Christmas is 3 weeks away? Some of us are rushing buying gifts, spending money we don't have and praying we'll be able to pay off the credit cards when the new year comes. We will also be gearing up to eat all the holiday cookies, fruit cake, pound cake, red velvet cake, ice cream, eggnog, and the likes. Let's not even talk about the company parties, church gatherings, family celebrations, and hours in front the TV watching the Hallmark Channel's holiday love stories. (that I am guilty of). After all this is what we do during the Holidays, Right?

However this is what you don't want to happen to you in the next 3 weeks. You get lazy, gain 5 to 10 pounds, stop exercising, stop spending time with the Lord, and stop making time for yourself. Here are a few things I believe will be helpful to you as you prepare to celebrate the Christmas Holiday Season. I believe everything we do in life should lead us to finding peace within and that includes taking care of ourselves during the most challenging time of the year... the HOLIDAYS...

1. Make prayer and meditation priority 1 in your day.
2. Make you priority 2 in your day
3. Make family priority 3 in your day
4. Everything else is secondary...

1. Only eat the serving size - if it says the serving size is 1 cup, that that's all you need to get. If it says 1/2 cup is the serving size, that that's all you need to get.
2. When preparing your plate, only get 1 spoon size. Do not double dip
3. Make sure you have a vegetable, carbohydrate (we call it a starch) and a protein. 
4. Make sure your plate is filled with color, green, red, yellow...
5. Drink 1 8 oz of water before eating
6. If you want something sweet, only get a slither of it. 1 cookie, cut that slice of pie in 1/2 and eat the other half tomorrow.

1. Walk, walk, walk
2. Walk, walk, walk
3. Walk, walk, walk
4. You Tube is free - find a video you like and move. It only takes 15 - 30 minutes
5. Cancel your gym membership for 2016 - you didn't use it anyway

Now, go and enjoy the holidays, and Don't Let it Happen to You....

Remember to, Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa 

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa