Sunday, November 27, 2016

What if tomorrow comes without me

What if tomorrow comes without me? This is something many of us probably have not thought about. Now, I'm not talking about death. I'm talking about you showing out a new person. Someone who has decided to do their spiritual work through self awareness and TELLING YOURSELF THE TRUTH. Let's start 2017 off right... The first thing you'll do on your journey is:
1. Write a message to the little child that still lives inside of you.
2. Next you'll identify those things in your life that you need to embrace about yourself.
3. Then you'll finish this part of your journey with a prayer of Thanksgiving for embracing who you are.

Let's start the year off with purpose: being whole individuals walking in spiritual truth and freedom.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
Remember to Smile, Show up, Succeed Everyday
And Find Peace Within

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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa