Sunday, December 4, 2016

Freedom Ain't Really Free- The price to pay for Freedom

What do you need to be free from? Yourself, friends, family, addictions, habits? What ever it is, now is the time to identify it and prepare to let it go. 2017 is almost here, let's do the work now in preparation for a more spiritual 2017.

It would be easy to just ignore those issues and not face those things that could keep us from living a whole and complete life. There could easily be some things in our lives that may even be hard to face and deal with. Life has a way of making our future look dark and hopeless. What I've learned over the years, is this. Freedom comes with a price and that price is me being vulnerable and open to the things I need to let go in order to experience that freedom. That's when my future became bright and hopeful.

Freedom came for me when I decided to leave 2 husbands, divorce my family and their opinions (for a while that is :) we're okay now... I love them to life) and leaving some relationships behind. You can't take everyone with you, you know. The lesson I learned was this; when I was honest with myself, other's began to respect my honesty and began to treat with the respect I deserved.

It is true, as +Dr.Phil McGraw   says, "you teach people how to treat you by how you treat yourself." So, the first person we need to be honest with is ourselves and other's will follow suit.  :).

Remember to Smile, Show Up and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Sunday, November 27, 2016

What if tomorrow comes without me

What if tomorrow comes without me? This is something many of us probably have not thought about. Now, I'm not talking about death. I'm talking about you showing out a new person. Someone who has decided to do their spiritual work through self awareness and TELLING YOURSELF THE TRUTH. Let's start 2017 off right... The first thing you'll do on your journey is:
1. Write a message to the little child that still lives inside of you.
2. Next you'll identify those things in your life that you need to embrace about yourself.
3. Then you'll finish this part of your journey with a prayer of Thanksgiving for embracing who you are.

Let's start the year off with purpose: being whole individuals walking in spiritual truth and freedom.

Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
Remember to Smile, Show up, Succeed Everyday
And Find Peace Within

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Birthing of Your Freedom-what do you need to be BOLD about?

"Freedom Lies in Being Bold" - Robert Frost - Being true to yourself often requires you to go against the grain to what people expect from you. Being true to yourself also requires you to make some people mad at you and possibly de-friend you. Will that be okay with you if that were to happen? Will you be okay with telling your truth of freedom?

As we continue in our journey in "Finding Peace Within, through The Journey of a Smile"- This is the next part of our journey. The Birthing of Your freedom. I have had to tell the truth about some things in this season of my life. Some of that truth required me to be BOLD and Vulnerable. I found myself walking in fear as I opened my freedom to the person that's closes to me. My Love. Freedom frees you from having to hide your pain. The fear of freedom comes when you don't really know how the other person is going to react and or respond to your freedom. Now, I'm not talking about the type of freedom that will cause you to become rebellious or non-submissive. The type of freedom I'm speaking of, is being able to speak your mind in love with the intent releasing those things that causes stress and discomfort in your life.

My freedom moment came when I just had to tell my Love, that I matter and that I will always be the most important person to me. It has nothing to do with who he is and how he treats me but who I am and how I treat myself. Trust me, that took some boldness as I know my Love...It didn't matter how my Love received it, what matter was I said it and now I don't have to feel guilty when I say no.

I also had to be BOLD with someone I met whom I believed wanted to get close to me to plant some negativity in my spirit. The BOLDNESS came when I had to say to her, I am about love, peace, joy and happiness. I don't get involved with anything that doesn't edify or lift a person up. It didn't matter how she received it, what mattered was that I made it known who I am and what I will and will not tolerate. Was I fearful, a little, but, if I wanted to become friends with this young lady, I thought she should know what type of person I am so she can make a decision if she wants to have me as a friend. The jury is still out on that... :)..

My question to you is this, What do you need to be bold about in order to BIRTH YOUR FREEDOM?

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,

Ms. Lisa

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Birthing of Truth

Last week we talked about being authentic. Being authentic requires TRUTH. Truth to yourself and to those you encounter. Isn't it funny when it's time to tell people who we are, we kinda get stuck on what we've become and not who we are. Discovering who we are requires a spiritual truth walk, which will produce authenticity.

This week I'm talking about birthing the truth of who you are. Sometimes we have to just tell ourselves the truth. So, in my new book, Finding Peace With, the Prayer Journal, The Journey of a Smile, I ask this probing question: "what area in your life do you need to be real about?" As I wrote this question down in my book, it reminded me of when I started my spiritual journey of wholeness and this was a question I had to ask myself; with that, I thought it was befitting to ask my readings the same question. "What are in your life do you need to be real about?" I'll share with you some of the things I had to be real about in my life....

I'll start first, I had to be real about how important I was to myself. In my first book, Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday, I say to you my audience, "You are the most single most important person to you." I had to tell myself the truth about being selfish for me. I no longer felt like I was being selfish when I put myself a top priority in my life. Then I had to tell the truth about my demons. There was a time in my life when having an affair was nothing I thought twice about. I was looking for someone to validate me and take care of me.. it didn't matter where it came from. In that truth, I found that I never took time to be alone and the celebrate myself. I had to ask for forgiveness (I did it on paper) for disrespecting the lives of those whom I took no regards to with my actions. Then I had to forgive myself for the sin and wrong I've done to myself. Then it was time to recognize  and realize that I could do this without a man, or with out the validation of a man. I had to tell myself the truth about my relationships and my marriage. I love being married to my husband, I love the relationship we have. But I had to tell myself the truth about how much he can give me and what part he plays in making me happy. He actually doesn't play a part in making me happy or completing me as that has to come from within, something he cannot do for me. I had to get my own life, pursue my own dreams, and life my life outside of us as a couple and he had to be okay with it. I thank God, he was okay with it... :). I had to face the fact that there are just something he doesn't have the capacity to give me and I'm okay with that. I had to tell myself the truth about what I needed and what I allowed to happen in my life. I am still on the journey of telling myself the truth about me as I mature as a woman. That I have embraced.

Today, I'll take a step back and evaluate the situation before I respond. I am focused on my actions and how I deal with situations that causes me to look within.

My question to you today, is "What areas in your life do you need to be real and or tell the truth about?

"It's better to be hated for what you are than love for what you are not." Andre' Gide

Remember to Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa :)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Birthing of Authenticity

Let's continue in our Prayer Journal and the Journey of a Smile- A few weeks ago we identified what we needed to do in order to Embrace the Journey. Many of you have already started writing those things that you need to embrace about yourself, your past, your present, and your future.

Here's an insert from The Birthing of Authenticity - Authenticity starts in the heart. Being who you are requires you to be honest with your feelings and the thoughts you have of yourself.

Here's the assignment - Some may see you one way, but how do you see yourself? Write your thoughts.

I'll start it off for you: Being authentic requires you to go to the core of your soul- of who are you REALLY?

This is how I see myself - I see myself as an contagious spark of hope. My name - "Lisa" means "Consecrated to God." I am certainly consecrated to God, no doubt. I am kind, giving, loving, empathetic, compassion, caring, patient, understanding. I continue to walk in love, give in love and serve in love. I am in touch with my feelings and how I respond to things in life. I am all smiles even when life hits me in the knees. I am comfortable in my skin and with the history of my life. I see myself as a great friend, wife, and mother. I see myself as one who enjoys being around people and who enjoys being alone. I see myself as a person who doesn't mind getting dirty and who loves dressing up. I see myself as the one you can call on when you need a cup of tea or when you need a shoulder to cry on. I see my self as a prophet of the Lord, one who carries the mantel of deliverance with a true concern for the heart and soul of God's people. I see myself clearly now, the pain has gone. I see myself as the person who understands the responsibility of my actions and I and only I have the power to control them. I see myself as the voice for those who are afraid to speak up for themselves and the one who will stand with you when you feel alone. I see myself as a strong, beautiful black woman, the woman God called me to be.

How do you see yourself? begin writing your thoughts...

Remember to Smile, Show Up Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa :)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

What do you need to Embrace? Finding Peace Within Journey

Sometimes there are things about our character that we've ignored and or do not want to face. Somethings may be ugly and somethings may be not so ugly. :). In The Finding Peace Within Prayer Journal, I ask this question; What do you need to embrace about yourself? I thought long and hard about this question and I told myself the truth. Here is what I need to embrace.

1. My husband cannot fulfill the empty spots in my life, only I can do that.

2. My husband cannot give me everything I need, only God can.

3. I had to stop expecting things from people that they do not have the capacity to give me. Accept people for who they are and what they have to give.

4. I embrace the fact that I am totally and undeniably responsible for what I do and how I react and respond to the things in my life. I cannot blame people for the way I respond and or act.

5. I embrace the fact that I did the best I could in raising my son with the information I had at the time as a teenage parent. Today, I am grateful for the young man he has turned out to be.

6. I embrace the fact that I've had 2 failed marriage, which is why I am better wife today.

7. I embrace my big butt, my big thighs, and my big legs. They aren't going anywhere... no matter how much weight I lose. :). I'm okay with that now.

I could go on and on and on with the things I've learned to embrace in my life. Learning to embrace those things have helped me to be a much happier person, one who knows who, what and where I am and what I'm doing and where I'm going. Embracing those things in my life has helped me to continue to wear a smile on my face everyday.....

Let's work on ourselves through this journey of embracing those things about ourselves that we need to embrace.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What do you say to the little child that's still inside of you?

I thank God for the ability to write and to probe those thought provoking questions that causes us to think really deep and hard about our lives. In my new prayer journal "Finding Peace Within Prayer Journal" I ask some questions that some would say are hard to answer, or some would say, they've never thought about that before. Some may even say, I will never tell that not alone write it down. But, in the process of "doing the work".. that's doing the work to finding peace within, I've learned to be truthful to myself and about myself. Today, I'm asking you a questions...
Can you be truthful to the little child that still lives inside of you? Can you have an open and honest conversation with him or her?

Let's start here...
What is the one thing you've always wanted to tell that little boy or girl inside of you that you were never told as a child?

I'll start first. The first thing I want to tell little Lisa is this... you were not given away by your parents. You were chosen to be a blessing to your granny and to bring sunshine in her life. And that's exactly what you did from the day you walked into her home at the age of 1. So do not ever think that mom and dad did not love you, because they did. They knew you had so much love to give so much so they chose you over your sisters and brothers. So, you can stop telling people that you were the one who they gave away.. instead you can say, I'm the one who brought a smile and sunshine and love to the life of my Granny Mazaree. :)

Now, start your journey by being truthful to that little one who just needs to hear that everything was okay then and it is okay now.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Monday, August 8, 2016

My First Interview

So, if you don't know by now, I've written a book... yes, I've written a book. entitled - Smile, Show Up Succeed Everyday. A little book of honey to help you make every day count and be a little bit sweeter. It has been a blessing to so many people. I've had the opportunity to do radio, blog talk radio and personal interviews discussing how it came to be.

Here is my very first interview with Gayle B of D'Vine Connections. We had an awesome time discussing the book and some of the experiences I've had in my journey. If you're a fan of my blog, then you have been apart of many of my stories about my journey. Today, I'm sharing with you the link so you can get caught up on what's happening with me and my book.

Remember to Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa D.

My First Interview

So, if you don't know by now, I've written a book... yes, I've written a book. entitled - Smile, Show Up Succeed Everyday. A little book of honey to help you make every day count and be a little bit sweeter. It has been a blessing to so many people. I've had the opportunity to do radio, blog talk radio and personal interviews discussing how it came to be.

Here is my very first interview with Gayle B of D'Vine Connections. We had an awesome time discussing the book and some of the experiences I've had in my journey. If you're a fan of my blog, then you have been apart of many of my stories about my journey. Today, I'm sharing with you the link so you can get caught up on what's happening with me and my book.

Remember to Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa D.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

She Doesn't Look Like Me

In the world of selfishness we have a tendency to turn our heads and close our eyes to those things that doesn't look and or sound like us. What in the world are we missing when we turn our heads away from those things that doesn't look like us or what we are accustomed to.

Yesterday, Saturday June 22, 2016, my husband and I served our brother and friend at a very important event for him and the community. We had an awesome time, singing, ministering and sharing. Afterwards, we did what most folk in my culture do after church--- eat. Yelp, we ate. But it wasn't a sit down dinner with fine dining and foods we couldn't pronounce. It was outside in the hot sun. As my husband and I stood in line to place our order, a young lady walked over and asked this questions; "Is this food free?" the response was, "no, it's not free." She says, "are you all Christians?" the response was, "no, we're Jehovah's witnesses." and then there was a question about what was in the bag...(not a spirit or a coke may I add)... her response..."I'm not a Christian and I need what's in this bag." Silence.... She then says, "I'm homeless and really hungry, do you have any extra you can give away?" I touched my husband quietly on the leg, he knew what that meant... "I'll take care of you, we'll pay for it." was my husband's response. She was very thankful, saying..."I'll stand right here and mingle while you fix my dinner... does it have to be cooked, is it ready...what can I get..wings, hot dogs and fries... " Yes, you can get what you want..." my husband says. She placed her order, wings and fries. She stepped away from the window and began to mingle..

I stepped back and saw her standing alone. So I walked over and began to have a conversation with her. I first asked her what was her name... "Hello, how are you, my name is Lisa, what is your name?" Hey ma'am, my name is "Louise", (not her real name) please to meet you ma'am." We smiled and began to talk. "You are really pretty Ms. Lisa." Thank you Ms. Louise and so are you", I said. "Are those dimples real?" she asked. I laughed and said, "why yes they are mine and they are real."

As we talked and laughed she began to straighten herself up, as she was feeling a little embarrassed because I was all dressed up and she wasn't. She let me know that her boyfriend is abusive and calls her fat and ugly and when she doesn't do what he wants he puts her out on the streets. She has to do things she doesn't want to do just to have a place to lay her head. Her kids don't love her anymore and is all alone in this world. I let her know that she wasn't alone, that God had her, even on the streets. She said "Yes I know He is taking care of me because I'm still here." I said, "Yes, dear you are still here."

I let her know that she was beautiful and her blue eye shadow was beautiful on her beautiful complexion.  As I listened to her story, I let her know, that if not for the grace of God there goes I...She said, "Ms. Lisa, have you been in church all your life?" "Yes, Ms. Louise, I have, but I haven't always done right all my life.".... she said, "No Way, not you. You are so pretty and your clothes are so pretty." I just smiled, and whispered in her ear... "one day I'll have to tell you my story".. she smiled, laughed and gave me that Okay Gurl Look.... lol.

She shared with me about her sunburn; which was really bad as she spend most of her days outside walking in the hot sun....I gave her the lotion Dermasil, out of my purse. You would have thought I had given her a bottle of expensive perfume.

Our food was then ready for pick-up.

"Ms. Lisa, can you get me some extra napkins as I will need them to go to the bathroom".. I said "sure, I'll get you some extra napkins..".. "oh yell, and some water"...she yelled. "NO problem...I responded.

Before we departed, I prayed with her and gave her a hug... told her to be careful and that Jesus Loves her... she says... "Thank you Ms. don't look like me." I said to her... "Ms. Louise, we're more alike than we are different... she walked off into the sunset..

When the mask if off, we all look alike, just different struggles...if not for the Grace of God.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within,
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Sunday, July 17, 2016

As Good as Dirt

I've waited 10 days before publishing this blog. Today, I have been released to share.. As Good as Dirt.

The American people are at war with each other. What do we do as humans when a life is just a piece of dirt on the ground...... needed to cover the earth...yet no good when its all over our clothes and our skin. Dirt is needed to grow vegetation but yet is kicked around with no meaning. Imagine the world without dirt...would earth be earth without it? Would there be life with it? Will oxygen exist without the trees that stand in the dirt in which we kick around without thought. Are we not as good as dirt? As dirty as it may be, dirt matters. As nasty as it taste, dirt matters. As muddy as it can get, dirt still matters. And so does lives. As dirty as we may get, lives still matter. As different as our views may be, lives still matter. As controversial as some of our decisions are our lives still matter.

When will it all change; when we pray for change, but yet reject the One who brings change. We pray for peace, however, don't seek the peacemaker. He will keep us all in perfect peace ONLY if our minds are stayed on Him. Whose on your mind?

My mind maybe dirty, my heart may not be pure, my motives may be wrong and my life maybe different. However, I Am As Good As Dirt.

I am Love, I am peace, I am joy, I am long suffering, I am patient, I am kind... who am I....
I am Love.

Remember to Smile Show Up and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Just Perhaps He Knew

There isn't anything you can't do for me that isn't already done. Perhaps THIS IS - The road you set for me. Perhaps you knew my parents would give me to my grandma at the age of one. Perhaps you knew I would receive the Holy Spirit at the age of five. Perhaps you knew that our house would burn down when I was in the first grade. Perhaps you knew that my brother would say I was his cousin and not his sister. Perhaps you knew that I would be pregnant at 16. Perhaps you knew that I would be a single parent trying to raise a son on my own. Just perhaps you knew that I would fall in love with a man who was on the down low. Perhaps you knew that I would later marry at the age of 23 and separated 3 years later.

Just perhaps you knew that at the age of 27 I would met the man whom I thought would give me the world. Perhaps you knew that, that would be one of the biggest challenges in my life. Perhaps you knew I would be abused ; verbally, emotionally, and psychologically. Just perhaps you knew that I would battle depression and and have thoughts of suicide. Just perhaps you knew there would be affairs within the marriage. Just perhaps you knew I would leave him three years later. Perhaps you knew I would be divorced for the second time by the age of 39.

Just perhaps you knew that would be the time my life would take a turn and what lied ahead of me was so much greater than what was behind me. Perhaps you knew that I would be in my wilderness experience for three years. Searching and seeking Your face even the more. Perhaps you knew that by serving you in the wilderness, my love would find me. Just perhaps you knew I would become a body builder an learn what true discipline and commitment was.

Perhaps you knew that Steven Dalton and Maximillian would be second chance at me having a family of my own. Just perhaps you knew that Steven and I would marry and become an example of your love in our lives. Just perhaps you knew that we would have a music ministry named the Leviticus Singers of Charlotte. Just perhaps you knew that we would produce a CD entitled Address Change, God's Great Relocation Project.  Just perhaps you knew that we would go on to produce another single "I Win"  that would reach the hearts of so many people and that my Love would be known among the elite. Perhaps you knew that one day I would write book sharing the journey of my smile. :).

Just Perhaps you knew that one day.... I would be..

Just Perhaps

Thursday, June 30, 2016

When Good Ain't Nice

How many times have you heard this statement: "I'm doing this for your good?" I'm sure you've heard it a hundred times when you were a child. Because that's the story line most parents give their children when they are disciplining their children. Then, we as children will say, "well I don't know how this is good for me because right now you're hurting me and you know what YOU'RE NOT A NICE PERSON! I know that story line oh too well because I was the one who always got the "I'm doing this for your good" speech from my parents.

Now that most of you who are reading my blog are adults, your GOOD is coming from a different voice.

Let's say you are at work and the company policy says you cannot use your work computer for personal business. You then get called in the office... You know where this is going right. You get written up at work because you broke a company policy, the boss pulls you in the office and reminds you of the policy that you some how forgot and broke... and what do they say (if they care about your career and job) they say: "I'm doing this for your good." and what do you say when you walk out of the office, "he or she is not NICE."... LOL. I can go on and on with the good vs nice scenario but I believe you got the picture. :)

Now let's take this a little bit further. As a child of the King how many times have we been reminded by the word of God that He chastens those He loves, You may say how can we put chastening and loving in the same sentence? It's easy... I do it because I love you and care about your future.

Remember this: When God said, "It's working out for your good" This doesn't mean it's going to be easy, or nice, it doesn't mean God isn't going to put some things in your life that will cause you some pain, it doesn't mean that God isn't going to hold your hand and put together a plan of action for you, it doesn't mean that God doesn't care. What it does mean is this

He's taken all our good, bad and ugly and making it all GOOD for our TODAY.

Thank You God for being GOOD so Life will be NICE to me.

The good the bad and the ugly

Remember to Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday

Saturday, June 25, 2016

When Grace Calls Your Peace

Thank you Lord for this beautiful day. Thank you for Your peace. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your favor. I am excited about life. Thank You for peace.

"When Peace Comes"

We look for peace to come from the outside- we look for peace to come through others. We look for peace in material things. We also look for peace from God. However, if there isn't an acceptance of grace in your life, your level of peace will be limited.

Grace is what keeps us moving forward, knowing that everything is okay even when it's crazy. It's okay, because God is doing something right there. Grace is not a license to remain in your craziness with no desire to do better. Grace is there to help carry you through as you walk through your crazy. Grace will always be there, but grace will also remind you of the price you had to pay to get to the other side. Today is a good day for Peace in Grace.

Thankful for grace

Get it Today

Monday, June 20, 2016

When the Top Opens

Sitting outside, watching the wind blow, making sure the dirt doesn't come into my eyes. Sitting outside watching the wind blow, making sure my hair stays in place at all times. Sitting outside watching the wind blow making sure my dress isn't exposed to the passer byes. Sitting outside when the top opens...The wind blows both ways... and so does our blessings.

How many times have you sat out side when the top o

You're probably wondering what in the world am I talking about "when the top opens?" Here is what I'm talking about. When life throws you a curve while you're sitting calmly just minding your own business, and you have no clue, nor are you expecting anything to come up. What do you do when the top opens?

Most people say when the bottom falls out... but this time, the top is opening.

That means you're on your way up. Gotcha didn't I? :). You get the call that your contract has been signed, the job you've been waiting on has made you an offer, that song you've been working so hard on has reached the top 10, that book you've released has sold it's first 1000 copies...... Yes, the Top Has Opened!!!

So what do you do when things are FINALLY going well for you. Everything that you've worked hard for is now blossoming? You've been on the grind for a number of years or even for 1/2 your life time and NOW... the light has come. Well, this is what I say do... CELEBRATE. That's right celebrate all your accomplishments. Celebrate the sacrifices you've made to get the top to open. Celebrate every little step it took to get there.

As I look at the number of people who are being touched and blessed by my book, I am in ahh of it all. I smile each time I receive an instant message in face book or a private email or text message saying how blessed they were reading the book. I started writing my book a year ago; in May,  and now a year later the top has opened for me. Have I arrived, absolutely not, there is more for me to do with this message.

Today's message is... keep your eyes open as the top might just open while walking in the wind.

Remember to
Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Live In the Moment

Living in the moment is probably one of the most challenging things we have to do as humans. Have you ever sat and watched the animals (some that is) they sit and enjoy the breeze of the air, the rays of the sunshine, and the smell of the flowers. Some may be out hunting, some may be out playing, some may even be caring for their young, but what they ALL have in common is LIVING IN THE MOMENT. They hunt for today, they breed for today, and they rest for today.

In my book, Smile, Show Up, Succeed EVERYDAY; I discuss how important it is for us to live in the moment. Don't fret about tomorrow and don't wish today away. Everyday brings new adventures, new opportunities, and most of all new mercies. Don't wish today away, there is so much more in store for you.

I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Ms. Jean (Irish) Benton about my new book and how it is helping to change the lives of so many. She herself has made a continuous effort to show up for herself everyday... I believe you should do the same. :).

If you haven't gotten the book, get it on Amazon, Nook for Barnes & Noble or you can order it from my website

Be blessed,
Remember to Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Ms. Lisa

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sometimes we take life for granted. Most people do. But what would happen if you were not missed? What would happen if you just didn't show up today? Will you be missed? Will someone pick up the phone to check on you? or would you go unnoticed? What would happen if you didn't show up today? What would happen? Smile Show Up Succeed Everyday will help you see the importance of making a lasting impression on those you come encounter with. Don't let your presence go unnoticed.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa D.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Giving up is not an Option

Have you ever thought about giving up? I'm sure you have, I certainly have. But today, I've learned that when I do think or feel like giving up, I really am the one who loses in the end. Speak to yourself and say, "You Are Worth It"... Remember to Find Peace Within and Smile, Show Up, and Succeed Everyday. Be Blessed, Ms. Lisa
If you haven't gotten your copy yet, don't delay, it's only a click away.
1 hour is all you need to complete 35 pages of heart felt words that will put a smile on your face and help you remember how important you are to yourself and to those you serve.

Click the link below to get your copy now!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Workout Blues - May 6, 2016

I am 2 days away from my official book launch- In the book I share some of the benefits you get from showing up for yourself everyday and doing it with a smile. Here is an excerpt from the book where I speak about training 6 days a week without complaining.

"Celebrate Mission Accomplished"

"Not one time did I whine about the workouts or the stringent food guidelines I had to follow. I made no excuses for not showing up. What kept me motivated and committed to going to the gym and training so hard? It was ME! I kept myself motivated. There was a time in my life when what I wanted to do wasn't important for me and not a priority to others. It was important for me to accomplish something, since to me; I hadn't accomplished or completed anything of value up to this point in my life."

This is just part of my story as I open up on some of my struggles through my journey in life. Prepare now to get your copy $3.99, Kindle, and Nook for Barnes and Noble.

Now remember to,
Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pregnant in the church - What do you know about that

You are the single most important person to YOU in the world. When you are your best it shows in every aspect of your life.

The story is in the book... May 6, 2016- Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Create Space,

"As a child I remember always laughing and smiling. When my Uncle Johnny died (he really was my second cousin since he was my dad's cousin, but he was much older, so we called him Uncle Johnny) his wife Aunt Emma asked my mom if I was still gitty.. my mom said, "Yes she's still gitty. " When Aunt Emma saw me at the home going celebration smiling and laughing, Aunt Emma said, "Yes, she's still gitty." Just thinking about it makes me smile. I cannot be tell you how many times I've gotten in trouble for laughing and talking in school. :) My smile has captured the hearts of those I have encountered, and many of them remember me to this day because of my smile.

This is just an excerpt from the introduction of my book... It will bless your life and add help you add value to your day which turns into adding value to your life.

Get it May 6, 2016

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Clothes and Small Potatoes

Showing Up Everyday starts before you walk out the door. Here is an excerpt from Nectar 2 in my soon to be released book, "Smile, Show UP, Succeed Everyday"

"Clothes and facial expressions may seem like small potatoes, but that's the first thing people see on you before you ever open your mouth. First impressions are really lasting impressions! With that being said, let your first impression be the personalized branding image of yourself you would want people to remember. The scripture that comes to mind is when David says, "A man's gift will make room for him and bring him before great men ( Proverbs 18:16)." To have your gift make room for you means you don't have to force yourself or your gift on anyone. Rather, you have to just be prepared when the opportunity presents itself. Ephesians 5:16 tells us to take advantage of every opportunity. What a disappointment it would be to have a door open for you and you not be ready."

Look for it May 6, 2016
Find Peace Within,
Be blessed Ms. Lisa

Friday, March 4, 2016

I Celebrate Sister-Hood - My Aunties - Coreen, Snookie, Margaret

Now when it comes to celebrating the legends in the family, these 3 right here takes the cake. Summer time was the best time because my mother's sister's would ALL come home to SC to visit and our cousins would come down as well and we had a blast. I don't remember a summer when they didn't come to Hartsville to visit. We looked forward to go away with one of them... Today I celebrate the 3 ladies I called Auntie:

Aunt Coreen - She was my third mommy. LOL!!! I always spent a few weeks during the summer at Aunt Coreen's house in Columbia. I loved going there. My cousin Stan and I were like BFF's back then. Always getting into trouble. Hanging out too late and acting like we were a couple... LOL.. kids having fun. I believe we all had a cousin we had a crush on... Innocent that is. Aunt Coreen always had a beautiful smile on her face, always having fun, laughing and cutting up with us. She's still that way today at the age of 80. Everything we went out shopping or going to the grocery store we would pass the Technical College in Columbia and I would tell Aunt Coreen I was coming to live with her and go to school. She always said I could come live with her if I wanted to but I never did. Now, this is something I will never forget... one time I went to her house in some really short shorts and she asked me if my husband knew I was wearing those shorts... I told her nope... and we both just laughed... She kept my secret... lol. and now when she sees me, we both just laugh about the day I snuck out the house one way and arrived a different way. Today I celebrate my Auntie my second mom... strong, courage's, and funny.

Aunt Snookie - The dancing Auntie who loves her some John and some beer.... lol. Aunt Snookie is always the serious one. She always worried about us. She didn't have kids of her own but loved coming home to see how Coots kids were doing. I never had the privilege of going to DC to spend the summer with her and Uncle John but Lord when they came home to visit, we had the best time. She would sit at the bar and or by the telephone and talk trash with my mom and ask us about our future. I don't ever remember seeing her sad or complaining about any aches and pains. She would always tell me how silly and funny I was... and it's pretty much still the same. When I would get loud, she would said, "Lisa why you so loud, we hear you"... and I would just laugh... I'm laughing now. I remember the summer they told me to pack my clothes because I was going to DC with them... that was 1980.. Man I had my bags all packed and ready to go. 3 am we're all up and ready because they always left early in the mornings to beat traffic. As I proceeded to go outside with my suitcase, my dad asked where was I going.. I said with aunt Snookie... he said, nope you're not going anywhere... Well that's the summer I got pregnant... Guess I should have gone to DC... LOL... Aunt Snookie is filled with questions, laughter, and love. Today I celebrate Aunt Snookie for being the level headed Aunt in my life... the one with common sense.

And now Aunt Margaret - Pretty Aunt Margaret - She was married to my mom's brother Hammie, my Uncle Hammie. They lived in Silver Springs Maryland. I never got to visit them either as a child. But during the summer, she, Uncle Hammie, Lisa and LaVeita would come to SC for the summer. She and Uncle Hammer would also dance and drink their beer. Must be a city thang.. dancing that is...Uncle Hammie was the DJ. They would have parties outside. Aunt Margaret was always soft spoken and sweet. She was like one of the girls. Always asking us questions about boys and life. She didn't care if we messed up she would just smile and say, "Oh it's okay." She is the one I would consider sophisticated. Always well put together, hair, clothes and make-up. Aunt Margaret is a strong woman who demonstrates love, patience, and grace. Today I celebrate my Aunt Margaret... the one who always spoke nicely of us all with and with a soft voice.

If you have an Auntie - celebrate her today.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday.
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I Celebrate My Sister-hood " My 5 Sister's The Wilson Girls"

Okay, so how many of us have 5 sisters... I do... and we're all unique in our own way. Today I celebrate the ladies I call sisters.

First the oldest - Hope Amber- Hope has a quiet but yet out going personality. I remember when my parents went on vacation (they didn't take many as they had 11 kids) she and my oldest brother BJ were in charge. She told us not to go outside and me being the hard headed one went anyway... man she whipped my butt in the kitchen on the floor I fell and she kept hitting me.. I was laying on the wall heater crying for my mommy  - well mommy didn't come. Hope made the best studded jean jackets in high school. I remember when she left for college, we were all so excited. She drove my dad's gold 225 Buick Duce and a quarter back in the day. She met her husband Nate there... we loved him and still do. She got her degree in Biology and became a Chemist. Hope too is a hero in my eyes as she has fought and won her battle with cancer. Today I celebrate the strength in my big sister Hope Amber...

Now the second oldest sister - Mary (Net) - Man Net is CRAZY LOUD AND CONTROLLING.... we love her though lol. Net was and still is the one who ALWAYS took control of every situation. She's the one that will make it happen. Plan, plan and plan. And Lord can she cook. Yes Lord she can cook and make cakes and home made yeast rolls. Net calls me "Louise" and when she calls you on the phone it's because something has happened and she's ONLY relaying information. She doesn't call to chit chat. Net plays the piano and sings as well. She 15 degrees... LOL. Nah, not really but she has her BS and 2 Master's. She is a teacher where she teaches students with special needs. We always thought Net was our Daddy's favorite... she's the only one that can TELL HIM WHAT TO DO AND HE DOES IT. I remember when Net was pledging to be a Delta, we were so scared for her because they were making her eat out of trash cans... LOL. She might fuss about stuff, but she ALWAYS comes through....Today I celebrate the tenacity of my sister Net.

Now the third sister - Flora Marie - Flora was the quietest of us all. She had the sweetest little voice. I'm tearing up just thinking about her. She has gone on to be with the Lord. Flora didn't go to college but she went to beauty school in Columbia. She was the first person to give me the Halle Berry cut. It wasn't intentional. She was cutting my REALLY LONG HAIR and it ended up as short as it is today... I went to church the next day and Mother Sherman had a fit. I laughed it off but I was really upset about my hair.... Flora was the sister that would always go to bat for you. She and Constance shared bedrooms and when I would visit, they would put me out when they were on the phone talking to BOYS.... lol. It's funny now as I share the story... They didn't like it when they had to share their room with me. Flora moved to California and married but came back home not long after that. She was committed to raising her son Deon and loved working at the Saleby Center. They loved her there. She was the one who told me I would write a book and today I have dedicated my first book to her... Today I celebrate my sister Flora - the flower that blooms forever.

Now the fourth sister - Constance - The preachers wife and when I say preachers wife... she is truly a preachers wife. Constance is different ummm let me say... the perfect one. She did no wrong and everyone loved her. It's still hard to believe she was a cheerleader in school. Yelp she sure was. I was jealous of her because I couldn't be a cheerleader because of my religion. We didn't go to the same church, but Constance went to church with us and gave saved at one of Bishop Sherman's revivals. Constance couldn't sing but she did take piano lessons in which she didn't do too well in but Constance went to college, met Rev. Days Collins... they were pretending to be road partners but were actually dating.... lol. They married and she became a school teacher. She is an amazing wife and mother.  She loves her grand children and is always carrying a smile... I'm not sure if she can cook because she left home right after college. She's done an amazing job raising her 4 children who all have become teachers, nurses and business owners. Today I celebrate the loyalty my sister Constance -

And finally the baby - Dawn Denise... my ride or die.. my BFF. The butter fly of the family. It's kinda hard being the baby girl and the baby of the family too. Number 11. Man this girl right here is something else. When she calls I know she be dominating the conversation, talking about herself and what's going on in her world. She told mom when she was a younger girl that she wanted to be like her big sister Lisa... my mom, said be careful what you wish for...LOL. Dawn is an amazing young lady. We've spent many times together, taking trips to the beach, on the train, singing together, crying together, laughing together, talking on the phone for hours at a time. She is the mother of Ms. Taylor Anthony. He perfect gift from God. Dawn was my baby sitter when Adrian was small. We are 7 years apart and but yet we have so much in common. We partied together, got drunk together, went to the club together, then we because prayer partners, bible study partners, and true best friends. Dawn never stops talking and when she walks in the room, you know she's there. She has the larger than life personality that is hard to forget. She is truly a hero to me. Even with her aches and pains from her fibomyalgia she still manages to care for the seniors at her job, care for our parents and make everyone else feel good. She is a woman of God and loves the Lord. She is a true testament of what the life of a single woman living for God should be. Today I celebrate my sister Dawn for showing unconditional love to us all.

If you have sisters, find time to celebrate them today.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I Celebrate My Sisterhood - My granny "Mazaree G. Wilson"

As I continue my reflection of the women in my life. Today I will celebrate the other most important woman in my life, the one who raise me, my granny, Mazaree G. Wilson. She would always say G.. when she would say her name, I guess so people would know who she was.. G for Gardner.

And the story begins... As long as I can remember I always lived with my grandma. It wasn't until she died in 2002, when I found out the how and why. At the age of 1 grandma became my second mom. I never called her mom because my mom was in my life. But she was the one who took care of me, taught me how to clean the house, we did this every Saturday. She taught me how to make the best pound cake, pies. We spent the better part of our lives traveling for JESUS. She introduced me to the Lord. She took me to my first tent revival on Washington Street right beside Washington Street Elementary School. I received Christ at the age of 5 and she and I began our walk with the Lord together. Grandma was strict... I mean really strict. No boys, no phone, me and Benji (our dog) couldn't go out to play much. I wore dresses ALL the time. No pants, no make up, no movies. There was a lot of NO'S at grandma's. LOL

I probably had the best of two worlds. Christmas was a double wammy for me because I got gifts from mom and dad and grandma. Now, this I didn't like... when my brothers and sisters would come over to visit and they would eat all the peppermint candy.. I didn't like that because I had the life as a only child... selfish and self-centered.

Grandma made me become a mother after I had my baby at 16. She was there when I told my parents, she made sure I knew the do's and don't's. I never, and I'll say it again, NEVER saw my grandma with a man... a true woman of God. She provided for us. She worked at night, which probably wasn't a good thing for a teenager... I'll never tell. But, even when I messed up, she was always there to show me love.

I remember her telling me as a teenager, "Lisa I hope the Lord let's me live to see you get your own house so I can see how you keep house." He allowed that to happen and I became this crazy OCD housekeeper. LOL. We would sit around the piano and sing hymns. I would play while she sat in her rocking chair and sang Blessed Assurance, How Great Thou Art and some of her other favorite hymns. On Saturday nights we would watch Wrestling, Wahoo McDaniel, and Rick Flair and all the other old wrestler's. We would watch the soap operas's during the day when I was being home schooled during my pregnancy. On Saturday  mornings we went to the beauty salon or beauty parlor as they were called back in the day. I hated spending Saturdays there because she would start doing my hair, then make me sit to the side when a customer would show up. I couldn't go out side to play because that meant she had to shampoo my hair all over again. LOL... We would start fires in the big pop belly stove on those cold nights. She taught me how to drive on the way to and from church from Florence SC. She taught me how to sew. I still have the sewing machine she bought me when I turned 16 and guess what IT STILL WORKS... LOL.

When her health began to fail and we had to put her in a nursing home as she became to much for my parents to care for. She would always tell me to that I would always be Lisa L. Wilson and that she wanted me to marry someone nice and be happy. She knew then that my life was in shambles... I believe Grandma is looking down from heaven now and smiling, knowing that I am still walking with the Lord, I am married and happy. I still wear slips, camisoles, stockings and long dresses. I still struggle with wearing pants and NEVER , NEVER do I wear lipsticks... LOL...

I have become my grandma with a twist. I love that lady.. There is so much I could say about my grandma... maybe I'll put it in a book one day.... :). Stay tune for Grandma's story.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I Celebrate My Sister-Hood - My Mom Mary Alice Wilson -Women's History Month

In recognition of Women's History Month Today I celebrate my Mother

Mary Alice Wilson, my mom- married her high school sweet heart Bernice at the age of 17 and 18. Their love produced 11 beautiful, very successful children. She was a majorette for Butler High School back in her day. Long legs, hips, thighs, and long hair. My dad spotted her and had to have her..... they have a beautiful love story. She's a beautiful woman inside and out. My mom is truly a strong person.

She has always encouraged us to do our very best. She let us know that it was important to go to college. She taught us how to be ladies and how to be a wives. She taught us how to make homemade biscuits and cakes from scratch. She told us to always have some money on the side, for JUST IN CASE, pay your bills on time and buy good quality furniture because it will last a life time.

There have been times when my mom wasn't always my biggest cheerleader and I had to separate myself from her but I never stopped loving her. Today she's my rock. She has shown her strength through her cancer treatments. She went through it with a smile. She never complained and never stopped taking care of our dad. They have been married over 60 years and that is to be celebrated. I've seen her go through some tough times and not one time did she make us feel alone or as if we would be left alone.

I remember when she wanted to learn how to drive, back then the husband did it all....I went with her to BoBo Smith Car dealership to buy her 1st car.. a Buick Regal. I test drove it and drove it home for her. She eventually got her license. She doesn't drive much outside of their small town in SC but she is an independent woman who can do her own thing.

Today I celebrate my mother, Mary Alice Montgomery Wilson.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Monday, February 29, 2016

You get exactly what you need - Iyanla Vanzant speaks to women

We all get exactly what we need, when we need it, in order to learn what God intends for us to know so we can be who God intends for us to be.

Iyanla Vanzant

God knows just what we need so he creates opportunities for us to grow and learn and trust Him Totally. I needed every journey I've been through to write my book. Today I am able to share what God has a way of getting out of us what we need for us.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Thursday, February 25, 2016

You Inherited it - You Fix It - Iyanla Vanzant speaks to Women

When you inherit a broken family, you can't throw it away and get a new one.
What you can do is find people and situations that provide for you what your family cannot.

Iyanla Vanzant

Being an African American woman, I've found it interesting that WE as a culture will not get the help we need for our families in order to become better at being a family. We live in dis-functional families and we avoid family gatherings because of the behavior of some. But it's hard to get counseling when you don't know what the REAL problem is. And older people do not want to tell strangers what's going on behind closed doors. As my parents would say, "Don't be telling people what going on behind these doors." Do not put your business in the streets is what they say. But not saying anything has caused us many problems in our own lives. 

I went to counseling twice in my life, and counseling is only as good as the truth you tell. If you're not ready to tell the truth then don't go to counseling. If you want REAL help for you and your family, tell the REAL truth about your part, not about the other person's part.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday.
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Judging and Accepting - Iyanla Vanzant Speaks to Women

More often than not, the things we detect and judge in others are a reflection of the things we cannot accept about ourselves.

Iyanla Vanzant

She thinks she cute
Why would she wear that
Wow, she's gained a lot of weight
Why would he want to be with her.....

What Iyanla is saying says volumes about how we feel about ourselves as women and how we view other women. Why do we talk about our sisters and say mean things about them...

Ummmm, something to think about.

Grandma said if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all. If we did that.... WHAT IN THE WORLD WOULD WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT???

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Debt You Owe - Iyanla Vanzant Speaks to women about paying the debt

"You simply cannot pay the debts that come along with believing you are worthy."
Iyanla Vanzant

There is no amount you can afford to pay for being who you are. Do not ever provide an excuse for being the person you've become from your journey. I will say this, there is always room for improvement and you have the responsibility to yourself to always look for ways to be a better you.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Delayed but not Denied - Iyanla Vanzant speaks to women

No matter how many times or how long you have wished, hoped, and prayed for something, because it has not happened yet does not mean it will not happen.

Iyanla Vanzant

There are many things in my life that I've waited for and thought would never come. And that one thing is PEACE. For years I've walked in the shoes of other people and wished I was like someone else. But today, I am happy for who I am and the journey I've had. There is nothing else I would change, even this season of menopause... even though I'm not getting my rest these days.

Remember to keep paying and keep hoping and keep wishing.

Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Who you are defines what you want - Iyanla Vanzant speaks to Women about identity

When you don't know who you are, CHANCES are you don't know what you want. When you don't know what you want, THERE is no chance for you to get it. - Iyanla Vanzant  

What a disappointment it would be to live here and never know WHO you are. And when I say "Know who you are", I'm not talking about  mom, wife, teacher, author... I'm referring to WHO you are as a PERSON. What makes you into the person you are? What inspires the character that you present to the world everyday.

Who am I, I am love, I am peace, I am smiles, I am happy, I am contagious, I am joy.... that's who I am and that's who I present to the world everyday. Me knowing who I am, has helped me to understand what it is I want out of life and out of my life.

Find your place within... Find Peace within.. Find your voice within

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be Blessed
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Acceptance means you're okay - Iyanla Vanzant Speaks

Acceptance does not mean you agree with it, appreciate, or even like what has happened. Acceptance means that you know, regardless of what happened, that there is something bigger than you at work.

It also means that you know that you are okay, and that you will continue to be okay. Iyanla Vanzant

I write about this very subject in my book, "Smile, Show Up, Succeed Everyday." I have accepted the person I have become, I am okay with people not liking me or accepting me the way I am. I am okay with the opinions of others as those opinions does not identify who I am. And you know what, I accept that IT'S OKAY...

Find your okay in your acceptance.... because it's okay. :)

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Monday, February 15, 2016

A word to every women - Iyanla Vanzant Speaks to us

In observation of Black History Month, I am going to share a few of Iyanla Vanzant's famous quotes that she feels everyone should read and know.

"If you are really paying attention and really ready to heal, the day will come when you recognize that forgiveness is the only way back to the center of your innocence."

Iyanla Vanzant

I am a firm believer of staying centered. Staying centered means that you should ALWAYS be aware of your actions. You must know WHY you're doing something, or why are you responding to something the way you did or do. When ever we're connected with who and what we are, we have the ability to get centered and STAY. Forgiveness is the first step to getting there.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Thursday, February 4, 2016

When Old Folks Laugh by: Maya Angelou

They have spent their
content of simpering,
holding their lips this
and that way, winding
the lines between
their brows. Old folks
allow their bellies to jiggle like slow
The hollers rise up and spill
over anyway they want.
When old folks laugh, they free the world.
They turn slowly, slyly knowing
the best of the worst
of remembering.
Saliva in the
corner of their mouths,
their heads wobble
on brittle necks, but
their lips
are filled with memories.
When old folks laugh, they consider the promise
of dear painless death, and generously
forgive life from happening
to them.

When Old Folks Laugh

My grandma would laugh the funniest laugh, it sounded just like this poem... This is what I heard in her laugh- "glad I'm here, glad I had a chance to do this and that, now I wait for my day when I'll be swept away". When Old Folks Laugh

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show  Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Maya Angelou's view on Healthy Food - "The Health-Food Diner

The Health-Food Diner
No sprouted wheat and soya shoots
And Brussels in a cake,
Carrot stra and spinach raw,
(Today, I need a steak)

Not thick brown rice and rice pilaf
Or mushrooms creamed on toast,
Turnips mashed and parsnips hashed,
(I'm dreaming of a roast).

Health-food folks around the world
Are thinned by anxious zeal,
They look for help in seafood kelp
(I count on breaded veal).

No smoking signs, raw mustard greens,
Zuccini by the ton,
Uncooked kale and bodies frail
Are sure to make me run


Loins of pork and chicken thighs
And standing rib, so prime,
Pork chops brown and fresh ground round
(I crave them all the time).

Irish stews and boiled corned beef
and hot dogs by the scores,
or any place that saves a space
For smoking carnivores.

"I believe many of my clients would love Dr. Maya's Health-Food Diner. :)

Remember to Smile Every day, Show Up Every day, and Succeed Every day
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

When I think of myself by: Maya Angelou

In recognition of Black History Month I will be honoring some of our great poets. This week we will read some of Maya's awesome poems.

When I think about myself,
I almost laugh myself to death,
My life has been one great big joke,
A dance that's walked
A song that's spoke,
I laugh so hard I almost choke
When I think about myself

Sixty years in these folks' world
The child I works for calls me girl
I say "yes ma'am for working's sake.
Too proud to bend
Too poor to break,
I laugh until my stomach ache
When I think about myself.

My folks can make me slit my side.
I laughed so hard I nearly died,
The tales they tell, sound just like lying,
They grow the fruit,
But eat the rind,
I laugh until I start to crying,
When I think about my folks.

Maya Angelou

What an amazing picture of who we were and how far we've come.

Remember to smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Smile Everyday
Find Peace Within,
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Monday, February 1, 2016

Showing Up for yourself helps You show up for someone else

With the upcoming launch of my book, Smile, Show Up, Succeed, Everyday, I thought I would share a little bit of what the book will do for you. As I prepare to launch my book, I want to not only provide you with a good read, but I want to inspire you to do things a little differently in your life. It's time to stop letting boredom keep you locked into a place where you know you don't belong. It's time to stop letting your lack of commitment to your stop keep you from showing up for yourself. It's only when YOU show up will things begin to change for YOU. Me showing up for you will have inspire you, but once I'm gone, YOU have to do the Showing and the Inspiring. Here's a snippet from the book:

"One thing I know for sure is that, you must enjoy your learning experiences. Do not think for a minute everything you’ve gone through was for naught. I have heard people say they wished they were younger, or that they wished they could turn back the hands of time. But I am one to say, NEVER again do I want to be 20, 30, or 40. I have learned so many life lessons through my experiences that have helped to shape me into the person I am today. I live with no regrets. I made up in my mind a long time ago, to graduate from public opinion and I have. I have learned that everyone will not be happy for me, and that is okay. I’ve learned that this moment is the only moment I have and I must make the best of it. Tomorrow is not promised and today is all I have. Showing up everyday is a part of living. Live in the moment and let tomorrow create its own moments when tomorrow comes."

Remember you are the most important person to YO
U. Not your husband not your family. If you're not good, the no one else will be.

Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Law of "Dharma" or Purpose In Life -

There is so much talk about purpose and destiny and living your dreams. I am no different as I too am working toward my purpose and living my dream. However, not everyone knows what their purpose is and some don't even know how to find it.

Deepak Chopra helps us understand the Law of Dharma or our Purpose in Life.

Here is what Deepak has to say:

  • Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and evaluation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.
  • The Law of Dharma says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose.
  • There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world.
  • If you could start children right from the beginning with this thought, you'd see the effect it has on their lives. 
  • What I really want to focus on is asking yourself how you  can serve humanity, and asking yourself what your unique talents are.
  • There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first component says, that each of us is here to discover our true Self, to find out on our own that our true Self is spiritual, that essentially we are spiritual beings that have taken manifestation in physical form.
  • the second component of the Law of Dharma is to express our unique talents...This means that there's one thing you can do, and one way of doing it, that is better than anyone else on this entire planet.
  • The third component of the Law of Dharma- to serve your fellow human beings and to ask yourself the questions, "How can i help? How can I help all those that I come into contact with?"
  • The question, "What's in it for me?" is the internal dialogue of the ego. Asking "How can I help?" is the internal dialogue of the spirit.
  • If you want to make the maximum use of the Law of Dharma, then you have to make several commitments.
  • The first commitment is: I am going to seek my higher self, which is beyond my ego, through spiritual practice.
  • The second commitment is: I am going to discover my unique talents, and finding my unique talents, I am going to enjoy myself, because the process of enjoyment occurs when I go into timeless awareness. That's when I am in a state of bliss.
  • The third commitment is: I am going to ask myself how I am best suited to serve humanity. I am going to answer that question and then put it into practice.

Applying the Law of "Dharma' or Purpose in Life

  • Today I will lovingly nurture the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul.
  • I will make a list of my unique talents
  • I will ask myself daily, "how can I serve?" and "how can I help?"

Find a way to serve other, then you've found your passion. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Law of Detachment - The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra speaks to us about the Law of Detachment

  • In detachment lies the wisdom of the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning.
  • And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.
  • order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don't give up the intention, and you don't give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result. - This is good.
  • based on fear and insecurity-and the need for security is based on not knowing the true Self.
  • with detachment there is freedom to create.
  • The search for security is an illusion...the solution to this whole dilemma lies in the wisdom of insecurity, or the wisdom of uncertainty. This means that the search for security and certainty is actually an attachment to the known. And what's the known? The known is our past...There's no evolution in that...And where there is no evolution, there is stagnation, entropy, disorder, and decay.
  • Uncertainty, on the other hand, is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom.
  • The Law of Detachment does not interfere with the Law of Intention and Desire-with goal-setting. You still have the intention of going in a certain direction, you still have a goal. However, between point A and point B there are infinite possibilities. 

Applying the Law of Detachment

Today I will commit myself to detachment
Today I will factor in uncertainty as an essential ingredient of my experience
I will step into the field of all possibilities and anticipate the excitement that can occur when I remain open to any infinity of choices.

Let's put this in simple form: Don't be in control, while being in control.

Remember to Smile Every Day, Show Up Every Day, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Law of Intention and Desire-

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment...intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. And when we introduce an intention in fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.

What is this all about? It's all about being intentional. Think about this...everything we do today is for our future, which is tomorrow. You may not think that tomorrow is the future, but 10 years ago or even 1 year ago you were intentionally planning for TODAY - the FUTURE. Sometimes the future presents itself in that very moment. You'll say, "in the future, I'll know not to do such and such." then in the next moment you're faced with that very situation that you said you would do differently "in the future." you think about what JUST happened and you do something different. Guess what, the Future just happened.

Here is some thoughts that Deepak Chopra gave on the Law of Intention and Desire.

  • Intention combined with detachment leads to life-centered, present-moment awareness.
  • Your intent is for the future, but your attention is in the present. As long as your attention is in the present, then your intent for the future will manifest, because the future is created in the present. You must accept the present as is. Accept the present and intend the future. The future is something you can always create through detached intention, but you should never struggle against the present... WOW powerful.. NEVER STRUGGLE AGAINST THE PRESENT. 
  • Both past and future are born in the imagination; only the present, which is awareness, is real and eternal

When you follow these five steps for fulfilling your desires, intention generates its own power.

  1. slip into the gap
  2. established in that state of being, release your intentions and desires
  3. remain in the state of self-referral - I like this
  4. relinquish your attachment to the outcome - I like this too
  5. let the universe handle the details - I like this too. 
Here's how you can apply The Law of Intention and Desire
  • I will make a list of my desires
  • I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting it will manifest
  • I will remind myself to practice present-moment awareness in all my actions.
Remember to live in the moment, tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is gone.

Smile Every Day, Show Up Everyday, Succeed Every Day
Find Peace Within,
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa