Sometimes there are things about our character that we've ignored and or do not want to face. Somethings may be ugly and somethings may be not so ugly. :). In The Finding Peace Within Prayer Journal, I ask this question; What do you need to embrace about yourself? I thought long and hard about this question and I told myself the truth. Here is what I need to embrace.
1. My husband cannot fulfill the empty spots in my life, only I can do that.
2. My husband cannot give me everything I need, only God can.
3. I had to stop expecting things from people that they do not have the capacity to give me. Accept people for who they are and what they have to give.
4. I embrace the fact that I am totally and undeniably responsible for what I do and how I react and respond to the things in my life. I cannot blame people for the way I respond and or act.
5. I embrace the fact that I did the best I could in raising my son with the information I had at the time as a teenage parent. Today, I am grateful for the young man he has turned out to be.
6. I embrace the fact that I've had 2 failed marriage, which is why I am better wife today.
7. I embrace my big butt, my big thighs, and my big legs. They aren't going anywhere... no matter how much weight I lose. :). I'm okay with that now.
I could go on and on and on with the things I've learned to embrace in my life. Learning to embrace those things have helped me to be a much happier person, one who knows who, what and where I am and what I'm doing and where I'm going. Embracing those things in my life has helped me to continue to wear a smile on my face everyday.....
Let's work on ourselves through this journey of embracing those things about ourselves that we need to embrace.
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa