I love watching OWN. There aren't a lot of shows I enjoy watching on television, but I enjoy watching OWN on Sundays. They have the most inspiring shows from Super Soul Sunday, to the Help Desk. If I had time I would sit and watch it every Sunday, but I don't have time so I DVR every show. Since today was a quiet day at home and away from the office for a few hours, I had time to watch this past Sunday's Super Soul Sunday. After this Sunday's episode of Super Soul Sunday with Rob Ellis and his wife, there was a short story about Emma the Pig.
You see Emma the pig was pregnant with not just one piglet but 17 piglets. Can you imagine giving birth to that many babies? We almost die giving birth to one. Fifteen of the 17 survived. Trying to take care of our children can be quit draining on our bodies, as it was for Emma the Pig. Feeding 15 piglets took all of Emma's energy and Emma the pig took ill. with a fever of 108 and no appetite. Because of Emma's illness, her owner took the piglets away from her so she could get better. She was not getting better on her own, so the farmers did what they knew to do, mix up everything they knew to mix up and gave it to Emma the Pig to bring her back to life. They were able to get the fever down, but they could not get Emma to eat. The farmer's knew if Emma didn't eat soon, she would die, and so would her babies.
The farmer's had only one solution, give her back her babies. If there was anything worth living for it would be her babies. So, they gave Emma back her 15 babies and they began to love on her, by getting their lifeline back from her. I thought I almost saw a smile on Emma's face. Just having her babies back made her kick and holla just a little. It wasn't long after the babies came back to do what came natural for them, did Emma get her appetite back and was up and walking with her babies. She began to train the piglets how to use their nostrils and plow the fields, she taught them how to play together and take care of themselves and each other. Two months later, her babies were off her milk and feeding themselves.
Emma lived on and became old and fat and made friends with a very old rooster. :). Her children went on to have piglets and slop fields of their own.
What's the moral of this story. We, much like Emma, may have had the life sucked out of us because of the things we do for others or the things we do for ourselves, but the ONE thing that can bring us back to life as it did Emma the Pig... IS having a reason to live. Emma didn't get better until her reason to live returned.
Remember the story of Emma the Pig when life starts to suck the life out of you... there is always a reason to live even if the only reason is YOU!
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa