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Now back to being naked. I've been reading this book by America's favorite doctor, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen "You on a Diet".. This is something they suggests we all do. Take an assessment of our bodies.
Here are the instructions:
For some of you, this assignment may feel natural, but for most, the exercise is as uncomfortable as a coach-class airline seat. We're having you do this not to benefit the neighborhood peepers, bot for two reasons.
First, we want you to realize that we're emphasizing healthy weight. Not fashion-magazine weight, not featherweight, but healthy weight. And we think that means you have to start getting comfortable with the fact that every woman isn't as light as a kit and every man want have the body as LL Cool J. Where you want to be may not be exactly where your body wants you to be. We're not saying you need to accept a belly that looks like four gallons of melted ice cream, but we want you to get closer to your ideal health-and that means physically and emotionally.
Second, you need to look at your body. Now draw an outline of your body shape (both from the side and front views). Ask a partner or close friend to look at the shape you drew and tell you-honestly-if that's approximately what your body looks like. (You can put your clothes back on now)..This is just a quality-control check to make sure you have an accurate self body image. This might be the first time you've ever had to articulate things about what your body looks like-and that's good.
Now, I don't know about you, but I've stood in the mirror naked so many times I can't even count them. Have I taken the time to articulate my body, YES I have. I have never drawn my body, but I'll tell you, the way you see your body and the way others see your body can be totally different.
Don't be shy, go ahead, take a peek at what you look like in the mirror.. and KEEP THE LIGHTS ON.. write down what you see, and if it's not what you want to see, then it's time to do something about it.
Let me know what you found out about your body. Select the topic and the comment button will come up below, enter your comments and select publish.
Lisa D.
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Ms. Lisa