Okay, I have been guilty and I want pass judgment on anyone. But what I have learned in this lifestyle journey, I cannot live off protein shakes for the rest of my life. Sorry to tell you but it's just not true.
Protein drinks and or any other meal supplement is just that... a meal supplement. What is the definition of supplement? Well I'm glad you asked. Let's ask Webster - Supplement is something that completes or makes an addition to. So, let's say you had a protein shake for breakfast, and a protein shake for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. What exactly did you complete or add to since all you had was protein shakes. The purpose of the protein shake is to use as a supplement to something that you would normally have but can't have at the moment. So, if it's time for breakfast and you don't have time to cook, grab a protein shake. Then when it's time for lunch, you intentionally prepare your lunch. If it's time for a snack and you don't want to eat a full meal for a snack, now the protein shake becomes a supplement and the same for dinner.
Protein shakes are not to be your main source of nutrients. Yes, you may lose weight by drinking protein shakes, but is this something you will be doing for the rest of your life? I have drunk slim-fast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and by the end of the night I'm starving. Why, because I put nothing of substance in my body. And, I still end up snacking throughout the day.
So, forget about the supplemental protein shakes and eat a meal. They are only good to supplement a meal when you can't get one.
If you have been successful in living off protein shakes, I would love to met you and see how much muscle mass you have. This is just not something I would recommend for any of my clients, friends of family.
In the words of Madea's brother - DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT.
Lisa D.
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