We have heard so much about caloric intake when it comes to weight loss or weight gain, but does it really matter how much you eat or don't eat to accomplish your fitness goals. the answer is YES! Too many calories of the wrong thing will add on pounds, too little calories will stop your metabolism, and cause weight loss or human cannibalism, or weight gain. Sounds complicated??? Yes I'm sure it does, So I am going to share with you 5 ways to subtract calories the healthy way.
1. How ever you can, whenever you can. If nothing else, just get out of the chair more often. I hear people tell say, "I can't walk because of my weight"... okay, so what are you going to do about it... take baby steps towards losing the weight and that will help you loss the weight that's caused you not to be able to walk.
2. Cut the calories you won't miss. Your body is too smart not to notice huge energy decreases - cutting 500 to 1,000 daily calories, for example. But if you measure your food and create small decreases in portion sizes, you can eat less without feeling worse. It takes discipline to do this. Plan your meals ahead of time. Buy serving size zip-loc bags and measure your foods for the right portion sizes. This will help you control your caloric intake and will keep your body fueled through out the day.
3. Eat more protein and less of everything else. About 10 percent of the calories you burn each day come from the thermic effect of food. Protein has a much higher TEF than carbs or fat; as much as 25 percent of protein burns off during digestion. That compares to about 6 to 8 percent for carbs and 2 to 3 percent of fat. This is why you should limit your carb intake after 3:00 pm. Carbs provide energy therefore it makes more sense to fuel the body with carbs in the earlier part of the day than the latter part. Even if you're going to workout in the afternoon, let your fuel be a protein such as a protein shake or protein bar, then refuel it with a post workout drink.
4. Burn more calories during your workouts. You can do this via volume or intensity. If you have an iPhone you can download the Nike+ app which calculates your calories burned when you walk or run. You can also invest in a calorie counter watch. Most sporting stores have those in stock or you can always go on-line and order one. It's important to know how many calories you're burning so you'll know how much needs to be replaced.
5. Change your workouts every 30 days. Your muscles have memory and remembers every exercise you perform. After a while, the muscles get use to the routine and will not respond the same way. This is why you should change your routine to shock the muscles. It's interesting the muscles work just like humans, we get comfortable and stop challenging ourselves. so, change your workouts and challenge your muscles.
There you have it, 5 ways to burn calories whether losing or gaining weight. Calories does matter, just make sure you're getting in the right amount and the right kind.
Lisa D.
This blog was created to educate, empower, and equip you on how to live a whole life by finding peace within. My motto is "Smile Everyday, Show-up Everyday, Succeed Everyday". When you've taken time to get in touch with who you are spiritually, you'll be able to deal with everything that's thrown your way. I've learned how to stay centered through meditation and spending time with the Lord. I pray you'll find the same peace I have within.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
Your Lats are Core Muscles
There are two very popular gym exercises that targets the lats. There's the lat pull-down, in which you sit with your legs braced under a padded bar, and the seated row, in which you sit with your feet up on supports in front of you. What happens when you sit? You cut your body in half. You certainly use the lats to pull a bar toward your body. But by sitting on your butt you prevent that co-contraction with the glutes that provides stability for your lower back.
The lat pull-down and seated row share one other characteristic: They're typically done with god-awful form. People new to working out with weights will hunch their shoulders on the seated row, which prevents the targeted upper-back muscles from doing much of anything, while the more experienced hardcore muscle builders will do a limbo-like move on the lat pull-down, leaning so far back that they're using everything but their lats to move the weight. (and jerking like crazy)
Here is the new rule for working your lats: Do the movement in a position that will allow the lats to act as both a prime mover and a core stabilizer such as standing, prone, hanging from a chin-up bar. Instead of sitting kneel or stand, which will force you to stabilize your core while working your lats and the other upper-back muscles (the new rules of lifting supercharged)
This is some good stuff.... so let's change the way we work out lats... it's a core muscle because it's attached to the tailbone all the way around the erector spinae, the columns of muscle on either side of your spine down to the glutes. So, when you're working your lats, look at it as a core workout.
And that's today's 411 on Health and Fitness.
Lisa D.
The lat pull-down and seated row share one other characteristic: They're typically done with god-awful form. People new to working out with weights will hunch their shoulders on the seated row, which prevents the targeted upper-back muscles from doing much of anything, while the more experienced hardcore muscle builders will do a limbo-like move on the lat pull-down, leaning so far back that they're using everything but their lats to move the weight. (and jerking like crazy)
Here is the new rule for working your lats: Do the movement in a position that will allow the lats to act as both a prime mover and a core stabilizer such as standing, prone, hanging from a chin-up bar. Instead of sitting kneel or stand, which will force you to stabilize your core while working your lats and the other upper-back muscles (the new rules of lifting supercharged)
This is some good stuff.... so let's change the way we work out lats... it's a core muscle because it's attached to the tailbone all the way around the erector spinae, the columns of muscle on either side of your spine down to the glutes. So, when you're working your lats, look at it as a core workout.
And that's today's 411 on Health and Fitness.
Lisa D.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Now we all desire to have a well rounded buttocks. I can not tell you how many times I've had women say to me they want a butt like mine. LOL. And you know what I tell them... this butt runs in the family, however I have gone the extra mile to enhance it's shape and keep it round and firm. I have always had a butt, but it wasn't always round and lifted. I can not guarantee you you'll get a butt from doing lunges and squats, but I can guarantee you the butt you do have will no longer drag behind you.
Here are Eight Fun Facts About Squats
1. The front and back squats use two big lower-body muscle groups-the hamstrings and quadriceps-in the same way.
2. All else being equal, the more you lift on any squat variation, the more muscle you activate. That's why it's so important to increase your strength over time. (USE WEIGHTS WHEN DOING SQUATS AND LUNGES)
3. You can probably lift more weight on the back squat if you take a wider stance, and rotate your thighs outward. That increases activation of your glutes and adductors (inner thigh), but not your quadriceps and hamstrings which are the prime movers.
4. Muscle activation is highest when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Cutting a squat short allows you to use more weight, but with less work for the muscles you're trying to build.
5. Going below parallel at the bottom of the movement increases activation of your glutes, but not your quads and hamstrings. Thus, you may get better overall muscle development with the front squat, since most of us can go deeper than we can on the back squat.
6. You activate 43 percent more muscle squatting with free weights vs. a Smith machine, the barbell on rails found in some good gyms and all bad ones. This is despite the fact that most people can life significantly more weight on the Smith.
7. It's not just because you recruit more stabilizing muscles when you use free weights. The quads and hamstrings-along with the calf muscles-also work harder than they do on a Smith machine.
8. Same goes for the leg press and leg extension. Even though you can move a lot more weight on a leg press, nothing beats lifting a heavy weight on a vertical path with no help from a machine.
You can find this information in the book The New Rules of Lifting Supercharged by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. If you are serious about weight lifting, I truly recommend you add this book to your library.
I personally do not use machines to work on my buttocks or legs. I use free weights. Right now, I squat and lunge with 25lbs. As I get stronger I'll be lifting heavier. Remember your legs have the biggest muscles in your body, therefore you can go heavy when working your legs and buttocks.
Remember Healthy Hearts = Healthy Weight
Lisa D.
Here are Eight Fun Facts About Squats
1. The front and back squats use two big lower-body muscle groups-the hamstrings and quadriceps-in the same way.
2. All else being equal, the more you lift on any squat variation, the more muscle you activate. That's why it's so important to increase your strength over time. (USE WEIGHTS WHEN DOING SQUATS AND LUNGES)
3. You can probably lift more weight on the back squat if you take a wider stance, and rotate your thighs outward. That increases activation of your glutes and adductors (inner thigh), but not your quadriceps and hamstrings which are the prime movers.
4. Muscle activation is highest when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Cutting a squat short allows you to use more weight, but with less work for the muscles you're trying to build.
5. Going below parallel at the bottom of the movement increases activation of your glutes, but not your quads and hamstrings. Thus, you may get better overall muscle development with the front squat, since most of us can go deeper than we can on the back squat.
6. You activate 43 percent more muscle squatting with free weights vs. a Smith machine, the barbell on rails found in some good gyms and all bad ones. This is despite the fact that most people can life significantly more weight on the Smith.
7. It's not just because you recruit more stabilizing muscles when you use free weights. The quads and hamstrings-along with the calf muscles-also work harder than they do on a Smith machine.
8. Same goes for the leg press and leg extension. Even though you can move a lot more weight on a leg press, nothing beats lifting a heavy weight on a vertical path with no help from a machine.
You can find this information in the book The New Rules of Lifting Supercharged by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. If you are serious about weight lifting, I truly recommend you add this book to your library.
I personally do not use machines to work on my buttocks or legs. I use free weights. Right now, I squat and lunge with 25lbs. As I get stronger I'll be lifting heavier. Remember your legs have the biggest muscles in your body, therefore you can go heavy when working your legs and buttocks.
Remember Healthy Hearts = Healthy Weight
Lisa D.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tell the truth and Shame Yourself not the Devil.. he's not apart of this
This week I have had heard some of the most crazies things from people about their weight loss. They tell me they are doing something and when I put them to the test or ask those hard questions they can't perform and don't answer my questions directly if at all. The only way to get better is to accept that you are not there and your plan just isn't working.
People tell me all the time, I don't eat a lot of sweets, but I love bread... STOP.. bread will turn to sugar, sugar turns to fat.. right around your belly. People tell me all the time, I only eat one meal a day... STOP...your body needs more than one meal a day. You have to feed your body through out the day. You should never get empty (hungry).. it's just like your car gas tank.. fill it up when it gets half full. When it gets empty it cost you more. People tell me all the time, I don't like eating breakfast... STOP... you have to start your day off with GAS... breakfast, break the fast. Breakfast is the biggest and most important meal of the day, get it in. Coffee alone is not breakfast. Make dinner your smallest meal of the day and NO CARBS at night.
People tell me all the time... I workout all the time, sometimes 2 hours a day... STOP...first of all WHO DOES THIS OTHER THAN ATHLETES OR THOSE OF US THAT DO IT FOR A LIVING. Then they tell me they aren't losing weight. Why are you killing yourself working out 2 hours a day and you're not losing any weight? You're not losing weight because you're not EATING. Then they aren't eating anything after all that working out.... STOP.. this is crazy. Workout 30 to 45 minutes a day 5 days a week...and EAT... People tell me all the time... I can't eat all that food... STOP... yes you can.. you're eating it anyway, just all at one time.... you can't fill up a tank if it's already full... and full meaning empty in the case of those that are not eating ... if you're not moving your body does not ask for anything.. the moment you start to REALLY move, your body will REALLY START BURNING CALORIES and will be starving for food... ALL THE TIME. I eat 2100 calories a day... you know why... because I'm moving ALL THE TIME. My body require all that FUEL (FOOD) to survive.
Here's the break down... if you're only eating 1200 calories a day and you're workout for 1 hour and burning 600 calories and you're not puttomg those calories back in your body, your body is only living off 600 calories... STOP... your body has now began to feed off itself... You have to eat after you workout... it's called REFUELING.
As a Fitness Trainer I invested in a 90 Day Beach Body Chalean Extreme Fitness Challenge for myself. Sure I can put together my own workout plan but it will be what I already do, it will not push me to the next level in fitness that my body needs, that I know for sure. I needed something new because I was at a stand still. today I can see the results from my HARD work. When I know there is someone waiting for me, I show up. I can tell myself I don't need a fitness challenge because I'm a trainer, but trainers need trainers too. Even professional athletes have trainers and someone to hold them accountable.
Don't fool yourself into thinking you can do this by yourself. My husband holds me accountable too. He reminds me that my trainer is waiting for me, even though the trainer is on a DVD. He knows this is something I have to do for me and for my family. I set the example for my family in this area.
Tell the truth and shame yourself... stop telling yourself you are okay when you're not. Don't make up these crazy workouts and meal plans. Yes it takes time for change to come, but the key is getting started with a solid foundation. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I can't say it enough... If you can't put the plan together there are so many trainers out here that I believe is willing to help you. I'm here to help you.. we just want you and your family healthy.
Remember Healthy Hearts = Healthy Weight
Love ya.
Lisa D.
People tell me all the time, I don't eat a lot of sweets, but I love bread... STOP.. bread will turn to sugar, sugar turns to fat.. right around your belly. People tell me all the time, I only eat one meal a day... STOP...your body needs more than one meal a day. You have to feed your body through out the day. You should never get empty (hungry).. it's just like your car gas tank.. fill it up when it gets half full. When it gets empty it cost you more. People tell me all the time, I don't like eating breakfast... STOP... you have to start your day off with GAS... breakfast, break the fast. Breakfast is the biggest and most important meal of the day, get it in. Coffee alone is not breakfast. Make dinner your smallest meal of the day and NO CARBS at night.
People tell me all the time... I workout all the time, sometimes 2 hours a day... STOP...first of all WHO DOES THIS OTHER THAN ATHLETES OR THOSE OF US THAT DO IT FOR A LIVING. Then they tell me they aren't losing weight. Why are you killing yourself working out 2 hours a day and you're not losing any weight? You're not losing weight because you're not EATING. Then they aren't eating anything after all that working out.... STOP.. this is crazy. Workout 30 to 45 minutes a day 5 days a week...and EAT... People tell me all the time... I can't eat all that food... STOP... yes you can.. you're eating it anyway, just all at one time.... you can't fill up a tank if it's already full... and full meaning empty in the case of those that are not eating ... if you're not moving your body does not ask for anything.. the moment you start to REALLY move, your body will REALLY START BURNING CALORIES and will be starving for food... ALL THE TIME. I eat 2100 calories a day... you know why... because I'm moving ALL THE TIME. My body require all that FUEL (FOOD) to survive.
Here's the break down... if you're only eating 1200 calories a day and you're workout for 1 hour and burning 600 calories and you're not puttomg those calories back in your body, your body is only living off 600 calories... STOP... your body has now began to feed off itself... You have to eat after you workout... it's called REFUELING.
As a Fitness Trainer I invested in a 90 Day Beach Body Chalean Extreme Fitness Challenge for myself. Sure I can put together my own workout plan but it will be what I already do, it will not push me to the next level in fitness that my body needs, that I know for sure. I needed something new because I was at a stand still. today I can see the results from my HARD work. When I know there is someone waiting for me, I show up. I can tell myself I don't need a fitness challenge because I'm a trainer, but trainers need trainers too. Even professional athletes have trainers and someone to hold them accountable.
Don't fool yourself into thinking you can do this by yourself. My husband holds me accountable too. He reminds me that my trainer is waiting for me, even though the trainer is on a DVD. He knows this is something I have to do for me and for my family. I set the example for my family in this area.
Tell the truth and shame yourself... stop telling yourself you are okay when you're not. Don't make up these crazy workouts and meal plans. Yes it takes time for change to come, but the key is getting started with a solid foundation. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I can't say it enough... If you can't put the plan together there are so many trainers out here that I believe is willing to help you. I'm here to help you.. we just want you and your family healthy.
Remember Healthy Hearts = Healthy Weight
Love ya.
Lisa D.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
First Round Workout - Do it at the house
I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the gym and watched people stand and stare at the equipment. They look at it as if the machine will actually tell them how to use it. Don't we wish the machine could talk? LOL I remember the first time I got on a treadmill, man I was saying to myself... "self you got this!" Guess what... me and myself ended up on the floor because I didn't know how to properly use the treadmill. It took a while for me to get over the fear of falling before I got back on that treadmill. When I started training for my body building competition I HAD TO GET ON THE TREADMILL. I started slow and now I'm a PRO, running and all. Don't be afraid to try something new. So today I want to share with you a circuit training routine I believe will help you maximize your workout and help you get the results you're looking for. AND GUESS WHAT NO MACHINES NECESSARY!
Circuit training can improve your strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness all in one pop. When doing circuit training you do not take breaks between exercises. The goal is to keep your heart-rate up during the entire workout. Every exercise is done in 60 seconds and you'll move to the next exercise.
Equipment needed:
* Stop watch
* Water
* Towel
* Resistance Band
The routine:
* 40 pushups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* Jumping Jacks
* 35 sit-ups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* 10 push-ups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* 30 seconds of squat jumps
* 30 seconds of rowing maching (use a resistance band, sit on the floor, place the band at the bottom of your feet and pull the band focusing on your upper back. Keep back straight and tummy tight)
* Front Kicks (60 seconds)
* Shadow Boxing (box as if someone is boxing with you)
* Lay on your back and raise your heals a foot off the ground for 20 second - lower and raise them again (60 seconds)
You can do any exercise with circuit training. The key is to keep moving, do not take breaks, every movement is done within 60 seconds. This is a complete 30 minute workout. Have fun and BUST A MOVE!
Circuit training can improve your strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness all in one pop. When doing circuit training you do not take breaks between exercises. The goal is to keep your heart-rate up during the entire workout. Every exercise is done in 60 seconds and you'll move to the next exercise.
Equipment needed:
* Stop watch
* Water
* Towel
* Resistance Band
The routine:
* 40 pushups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* Jumping Jacks
* 35 sit-ups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* 10 push-ups (or as many as you can in 60 seconds)
* 30 seconds of squat jumps
* 30 seconds of rowing maching (use a resistance band, sit on the floor, place the band at the bottom of your feet and pull the band focusing on your upper back. Keep back straight and tummy tight)
* Front Kicks (60 seconds)
* Shadow Boxing (box as if someone is boxing with you)
* Lay on your back and raise your heals a foot off the ground for 20 second - lower and raise them again (60 seconds)
You can do any exercise with circuit training. The key is to keep moving, do not take breaks, every movement is done within 60 seconds. This is a complete 30 minute workout. Have fun and BUST A MOVE!
Friday, March 1, 2013
A little Mint in your Chocolate
I am not big on chocolate, but I know many of you are. So, I searched for a recipe that I thought would be good to share and guest what.... I found one. It's Peppermint Brownies and of course it's made with healthy ingredients. Here are your ingredients
1 package fudge brownie mix
4Tbsp. instant dry, powdered skim milk
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 egg whites
1 tsp. peppermint extract
Nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat bottom of 13"x 9" baking pan with nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray.
In a small bowl, combine skim milk powder with skim milk and stir until dissolved
In a large bowl, combine the brownie mix, applesauce, egg whites, peppermint extract, and skim milk mixtures. Spread evenly in prepared pan.
Bake 30 to 35 minutes. Do not overbake. When brownies are cool, cut into 15 even pieces
Top each brownie with 1/4 cup vanilla ice cream, 1 Tbsp. fat-free chocolate sauce, and 1 peppermint candy. Serve immediately.
Nutritional Facts
Serving size: 1 brownie
Ft Total: 6g
Saturated Fat: 3g
Carbs: 23g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 4g
This recipe came from my BeachBody Think Kitchen Recipe Book. I hope you enjoy this Heart Healthy recipe. Let me know how it taste...
Building bodies together
Lisa D.
1 package fudge brownie mix
4Tbsp. instant dry, powdered skim milk
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 egg whites
1 tsp. peppermint extract
Nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat bottom of 13"x 9" baking pan with nonstick vegetable oil cooking spray.
In a small bowl, combine skim milk powder with skim milk and stir until dissolved
In a large bowl, combine the brownie mix, applesauce, egg whites, peppermint extract, and skim milk mixtures. Spread evenly in prepared pan.
Bake 30 to 35 minutes. Do not overbake. When brownies are cool, cut into 15 even pieces
Top each brownie with 1/4 cup vanilla ice cream, 1 Tbsp. fat-free chocolate sauce, and 1 peppermint candy. Serve immediately.
Nutritional Facts
Serving size: 1 brownie
Ft Total: 6g
Saturated Fat: 3g
Carbs: 23g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 4g
This recipe came from my BeachBody Think Kitchen Recipe Book. I hope you enjoy this Heart Healthy recipe. Let me know how it taste...
Building bodies together
Lisa D.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Keeping Soul in Kitchen
Now I know many of us love our deep fried Fried Chicken. But since we're trying to eat healthier but still enjoy the soul in our food, I found this healthy fried chicken recipe and wanted to share it with you. If you would like to get other recipes you can go to www.eatingwell.com
Please let me know how you like it... I think it's great...! - enjoy
Nutrition Bonus: Zinc (24% daily value)
Carbohydrate Servings: 0
Exchanges: 5 lean meat
Please let me know how you like it... I think it's great...! - enjoy
- 1/2 cup nonfat buttermilk, (see Tip)
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 teaspoon hot sauce
- 2 1/2-3 pounds whole chicken legs, skin removed, trimmed and cut into thighs and drumsticks
- 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
- 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
- 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- Freshly ground pepper, to taste
- Olive oil cooking spray
- Whisk buttermilk, mustard, garlic and hot sauce in a shallow glass dish until well blended. Add chicken and turn to coat. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or for up to 8 hours.
- Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with foil. Set a wire rack on the baking sheet and coat it with cooking spray.
- Whisk flour, sesame seeds, paprika, thyme, baking powder, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Place the flour mixture in a paper bag or large sealable plastic bag. Shaking off excess marinade, place one or two pieces of chicken at a time in the bag and shake to coat. Shake off excess flour and place the chicken on the prepared rack. (Discard any leftover flour mixture and marinade.) Spray the chicken pieces with cooking spray.
- Bake the chicken until golden brown and no longer pink in the center, 40 to 50 minutes.
Tips & Notes
- Make Ahead Tip: Marinate the chicken for up to 8 hours.
- Tip: No buttermilk? You can use buttermilk powder prepared according to package directions. Or make “sour milk”: mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar to 1 cup milk.
Per serving: 224 calories; 7 g fat ( 2 g sat , 2 g mono ); 130 mg cholesterol; 5 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 34 g protein; 1 g fiber; 237 mg sodium; 400 mg potassium.Nutrition Bonus: Zinc (24% daily value)
Carbohydrate Servings: 0
Exchanges: 5 lean meat
Monday, February 4, 2013
Old Fashion Comfort - The Foods we Love but doesn't Love Us
Do you know how much body fat you are really carrying around? Are you tired of wearing stretch one size fit all pants? Do you have to size up a chair before sitting down? These can be pretty embarrassing
situations in your life. The key is you have to be HONEST with yourself. Get real about how fat, overweight, obese (however you want to call it) is.
Many people know they need to lose weight and take better care of themselves, but do they really know how my body fat they are really carrying around and what contributes to all that fat. Here is a list of foods that contribute to your increasing body fat. This list is without exercise.. If one of the food items on your plate has 500 calories on its on, you're way over what you should be eating in one meal.
Tacos (loaded with cheese and sour cream)
Submarines (all subs are not created equal)
Fried Fish
Fried Chicken
Potato Chips
Processed food (prepackaged foods)
I believe you get the picture. If you are consuming these types of foods you are adding FAT to your body. If you would like to know what % of your body is fat, you can go to EXCEL select NEW sheet, at the type of the sheet type in the word BODY FAT and select SEARCH- you will select the Fitness Chart for Women or the one for Men. This spreadsheet is already formulated to calculate your body fat. All you have to do is enter the measurements required. This cost you nothing and you can keep track of it weekly.
Here is a list of good body fat%.
Women Men
Athletic 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Average 25-31% 18-24%
Obese 32% + 25%+
Be good to yourself, and know what you're carrying around.
Lisa D.
Many people know they need to lose weight and take better care of themselves, but do they really know how my body fat they are really carrying around and what contributes to all that fat. Here is a list of foods that contribute to your increasing body fat. This list is without exercise.. If one of the food items on your plate has 500 calories on its on, you're way over what you should be eating in one meal.
Tacos (loaded with cheese and sour cream)
Submarines (all subs are not created equal)
Fried Fish
Fried Chicken
Potato Chips
Processed food (prepackaged foods)
I believe you get the picture. If you are consuming these types of foods you are adding FAT to your body. If you would like to know what % of your body is fat, you can go to EXCEL select NEW sheet, at the type of the sheet type in the word BODY FAT and select SEARCH- you will select the Fitness Chart for Women or the one for Men. This spreadsheet is already formulated to calculate your body fat. All you have to do is enter the measurements required. This cost you nothing and you can keep track of it weekly.
Here is a list of good body fat%.
Women Men
Athletic 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Average 25-31% 18-24%
Obese 32% + 25%+
Be good to yourself, and know what you're carrying around.
Lisa D.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Are You at a Plateau? Tips to help you go through
I have been doing this fitness thing for 13 years now and the one thing I hear the most is, "I've lost 20 pounds and I can't seem to get the other 20 off". How many of you have said that very same thing? I'm sure many of you have. Even I have.. yes, even me. Just recently to be exact.
In October I was at 143.. Okay, don't laugh at me, but yes that weight was not of GOD... and I needed to get back in the 130's.. 135 to be exact. So, I spoke with another fitness friend of mine and she suggests I up my cardio and stop eating carbohydrates after 3:00 pm. Now, me being the discipline person I am had no problem with doing what I was told. So, I increased my cardio by running the first month from 2 miles 2 days a week to 3 miles 3 days a week. I lost 4 pounds.
Then the next month I increased my cardio by running 4 days Monday and Tuesday 4 miles and Thursday and Friday 5 miles. By the second month, I lost the other 4 pounds and my body fat decreased from 26% to 23% and I stopped eating carbs pass 3pm. I stopped eating fruit pass 3pm as well (you know they have natural sugars). And that's when I broke my plateau. I still maintain this regimen and have not gone back into the 140's... :)
So, if you are at a plateau in your weight loss, try what I did and let me know if it works for you.
Now you have to eat most of your carbohydrates by 1:00 pm, because as the day comes to an end, the less carbs you'll need. Unless you're going to work out and burn at least 500 of the calories you will eat, then you'll have to replace those calories with a good protein recovery drink.
Lisa D - Giving you the 411 on Health and Fitness
In October I was at 143.. Okay, don't laugh at me, but yes that weight was not of GOD... and I needed to get back in the 130's.. 135 to be exact. So, I spoke with another fitness friend of mine and she suggests I up my cardio and stop eating carbohydrates after 3:00 pm. Now, me being the discipline person I am had no problem with doing what I was told. So, I increased my cardio by running the first month from 2 miles 2 days a week to 3 miles 3 days a week. I lost 4 pounds.
Then the next month I increased my cardio by running 4 days Monday and Tuesday 4 miles and Thursday and Friday 5 miles. By the second month, I lost the other 4 pounds and my body fat decreased from 26% to 23% and I stopped eating carbs pass 3pm. I stopped eating fruit pass 3pm as well (you know they have natural sugars). And that's when I broke my plateau. I still maintain this regimen and have not gone back into the 140's... :)
So, if you are at a plateau in your weight loss, try what I did and let me know if it works for you.
Now you have to eat most of your carbohydrates by 1:00 pm, because as the day comes to an end, the less carbs you'll need. Unless you're going to work out and burn at least 500 of the calories you will eat, then you'll have to replace those calories with a good protein recovery drink.
Lisa D - Giving you the 411 on Health and Fitness
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Stand in front of the Mirror Naked!
To comment on this post and previous post, select the topic you wish to comment on the comment box will appear below the post. Enter your comment and your gmail source and select publish. Thanks for following my post.
Now back to being naked. I've been reading this book by America's favorite doctor, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen "You on a Diet".. This is something they suggests we all do. Take an assessment of our bodies.
Here are the instructions:
For some of you, this assignment may feel natural, but for most, the exercise is as uncomfortable as a coach-class airline seat. We're having you do this not to benefit the neighborhood peepers, bot for two reasons.
First, we want you to realize that we're emphasizing healthy weight. Not fashion-magazine weight, not featherweight, but healthy weight. And we think that means you have to start getting comfortable with the fact that every woman isn't as light as a kit and every man want have the body as LL Cool J. Where you want to be may not be exactly where your body wants you to be. We're not saying you need to accept a belly that looks like four gallons of melted ice cream, but we want you to get closer to your ideal health-and that means physically and emotionally.
Second, you need to look at your body. Now draw an outline of your body shape (both from the side and front views). Ask a partner or close friend to look at the shape you drew and tell you-honestly-if that's approximately what your body looks like. (You can put your clothes back on now)..This is just a quality-control check to make sure you have an accurate self body image. This might be the first time you've ever had to articulate things about what your body looks like-and that's good.
Now, I don't know about you, but I've stood in the mirror naked so many times I can't even count them. Have I taken the time to articulate my body, YES I have. I have never drawn my body, but I'll tell you, the way you see your body and the way others see your body can be totally different.
Don't be shy, go ahead, take a peek at what you look like in the mirror.. and KEEP THE LIGHTS ON.. write down what you see, and if it's not what you want to see, then it's time to do something about it.
Let me know what you found out about your body. Select the topic and the comment button will come up below, enter your comments and select publish.
Lisa D.
Now back to being naked. I've been reading this book by America's favorite doctor, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen "You on a Diet".. This is something they suggests we all do. Take an assessment of our bodies.
Here are the instructions:
For some of you, this assignment may feel natural, but for most, the exercise is as uncomfortable as a coach-class airline seat. We're having you do this not to benefit the neighborhood peepers, bot for two reasons.
First, we want you to realize that we're emphasizing healthy weight. Not fashion-magazine weight, not featherweight, but healthy weight. And we think that means you have to start getting comfortable with the fact that every woman isn't as light as a kit and every man want have the body as LL Cool J. Where you want to be may not be exactly where your body wants you to be. We're not saying you need to accept a belly that looks like four gallons of melted ice cream, but we want you to get closer to your ideal health-and that means physically and emotionally.
Second, you need to look at your body. Now draw an outline of your body shape (both from the side and front views). Ask a partner or close friend to look at the shape you drew and tell you-honestly-if that's approximately what your body looks like. (You can put your clothes back on now)..This is just a quality-control check to make sure you have an accurate self body image. This might be the first time you've ever had to articulate things about what your body looks like-and that's good.
Now, I don't know about you, but I've stood in the mirror naked so many times I can't even count them. Have I taken the time to articulate my body, YES I have. I have never drawn my body, but I'll tell you, the way you see your body and the way others see your body can be totally different.
Don't be shy, go ahead, take a peek at what you look like in the mirror.. and KEEP THE LIGHTS ON.. write down what you see, and if it's not what you want to see, then it's time to do something about it.
Let me know what you found out about your body. Select the topic and the comment button will come up below, enter your comments and select publish.
Lisa D.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
How to know it's time to lose weight -
Many of us don't really know, we just get caught up in the hype of the New Year resolution thing and we start working out with Insanity and P90X and because it's so hard, you stop. Well, here is why you should continue on your journey.
Here is how you know it's time to lose weight.
1. You are not in the best health. If you are taking more than one medicine for one illness you are in need of a lifestyle change. If you have several illness going on that are related to your lifestyle, you need to change TODAY. The body was not designed to take all those pills. If you have diabetes, that's simple... change the way you eat and exercise.
2. You keep starting and stop mid-stream. This is because you jumped in it with the go hard of don't go at all mentality. This will cause anyone to quit any program. Just imagine if you were in school taking two courses, working out of the home, taking care of your children and your HUSBAND or WIFE. At some point, something will go lacking and it's usually YOU. So, why not decrease some of the things you've committed to and make time for you and stay committed to YOU. Start out slow and add on to your regime as time progress.
3. You can't do what you use to... now I'm sure we all can testify to this one. If you could walk up the stairs without giving out of breath, you need to lose weight. If you could run one block without giving out of breath, you need to lose weight. If you could raise your legs and now you can't, you need to lose weight. If you could look down and see your knees and now you can't, you need to lose weight. Let's do this.. get a pencil and paper, write down those things that you could do 5 years ago that you no longer can do.. let this be a motivation for you to lose weight and start back to living.
4. Your envious of others - Well this is easy. MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY. Those that you may be envious of have worked hard to obtain what you see. It all came with a sacrifice.. what are you willing to give up... don't hate the player, get involve with the game....
5. You give up easily - Well this is why we're back on the sofa. Don't give up when you don't see the results you're looking for. If it doesn't cost you anything, then it's not worth having. Having a healthy heart is worth the work and you deserve it.
Weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning. Now you determine when MORNING COMES.
I think if you can do it... let's show the world you can too.
Much Love,
Here is how you know it's time to lose weight.
1. You are not in the best health. If you are taking more than one medicine for one illness you are in need of a lifestyle change. If you have several illness going on that are related to your lifestyle, you need to change TODAY. The body was not designed to take all those pills. If you have diabetes, that's simple... change the way you eat and exercise.
2. You keep starting and stop mid-stream. This is because you jumped in it with the go hard of don't go at all mentality. This will cause anyone to quit any program. Just imagine if you were in school taking two courses, working out of the home, taking care of your children and your HUSBAND or WIFE. At some point, something will go lacking and it's usually YOU. So, why not decrease some of the things you've committed to and make time for you and stay committed to YOU. Start out slow and add on to your regime as time progress.
3. You can't do what you use to... now I'm sure we all can testify to this one. If you could walk up the stairs without giving out of breath, you need to lose weight. If you could run one block without giving out of breath, you need to lose weight. If you could raise your legs and now you can't, you need to lose weight. If you could look down and see your knees and now you can't, you need to lose weight. Let's do this.. get a pencil and paper, write down those things that you could do 5 years ago that you no longer can do.. let this be a motivation for you to lose weight and start back to living.
4. Your envious of others - Well this is easy. MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY. Those that you may be envious of have worked hard to obtain what you see. It all came with a sacrifice.. what are you willing to give up... don't hate the player, get involve with the game....
5. You give up easily - Well this is why we're back on the sofa. Don't give up when you don't see the results you're looking for. If it doesn't cost you anything, then it's not worth having. Having a healthy heart is worth the work and you deserve it.
Weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning. Now you determine when MORNING COMES.
I think if you can do it... let's show the world you can too.
Much Love,
Monday, January 21, 2013
Eating Healthy On a Budget
Okay, I cannot tell you how many times I've heard this, "It cost too much to eat healthy". Yes, I hear this over and over. But what I've found to be true is, you can eat healthy on budget. Okay,I shop at Aldi's for all my produce and the bulk of my grocer. If you are not a fan of Aldi's you're missing out on some good prices. And I live on a budget too.
Tomatoes .69Lb.
Lettuce .99
Pineapple 1.99
Apples $2.79
Bananas .49 lb.
Frozen Vegetables Medley $1.09
Salmon 5 per pack $4.59 (I get 2 pack since I eat salmon 5 days a week)
Egg White substitute $1.59
Protein bar $3.59
Banana Nut Cereal $2.79
Stir Fry Vegetables $2.89
Ground Turkey $1.39
Fruit Pop around $2.59
Jar Peaches $2.39
Fit n Active Brown Rice $2.48
Multi-Grain tortilla $1.79
Mixed Nuts $2.39
Spaghetti sauce $1.79
I usually spend $60.00 or less in Aldi, every two weeks. I do not buy any produce from any of the other grocery stores. I very seldom buy any grocery from the other food stores. Aldi has everything I need to maintain a clean diet.
This is just some of the foods I purchase to maintain a healthy diet. Of course the produce is purchased once a week, but for the most part, the non-perishable foods list for about 2 weeks.. Now, it's up to you to be discipline only purchase what you need to change your life stlye.
Now, you do not see chicken on my list. That's because I buy chicken breast from GIANT PENNY OF COMPARE FOODS. It doesn't matter to me if it's not name brand meat... it all serves the same purpose. I'm not in love with food.. I eat to live, not live to eat...
It may cost you more if you have to fix separate meals for you and your family. I do it every day. And it's okay..
So, try this and let me know what you think.
Tomatoes .69Lb.
Lettuce .99
Pineapple 1.99
Apples $2.79
Bananas .49 lb.
Frozen Vegetables Medley $1.09
Salmon 5 per pack $4.59 (I get 2 pack since I eat salmon 5 days a week)
Egg White substitute $1.59
Protein bar $3.59
Banana Nut Cereal $2.79
Stir Fry Vegetables $2.89
Ground Turkey $1.39
Fruit Pop around $2.59
Jar Peaches $2.39
Fit n Active Brown Rice $2.48
Multi-Grain tortilla $1.79
Mixed Nuts $2.39
Spaghetti sauce $1.79
I usually spend $60.00 or less in Aldi, every two weeks. I do not buy any produce from any of the other grocery stores. I very seldom buy any grocery from the other food stores. Aldi has everything I need to maintain a clean diet.
This is just some of the foods I purchase to maintain a healthy diet. Of course the produce is purchased once a week, but for the most part, the non-perishable foods list for about 2 weeks.. Now, it's up to you to be discipline only purchase what you need to change your life stlye.
Now, you do not see chicken on my list. That's because I buy chicken breast from GIANT PENNY OF COMPARE FOODS. It doesn't matter to me if it's not name brand meat... it all serves the same purpose. I'm not in love with food.. I eat to live, not live to eat...
It may cost you more if you have to fix separate meals for you and your family. I do it every day. And it's okay..
So, try this and let me know what you think.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Okay, I have been guilty and I want pass judgment on anyone. But what I have learned in this lifestyle journey, I cannot live off protein shakes for the rest of my life. Sorry to tell you but it's just not true.
Protein drinks and or any other meal supplement is just that... a meal supplement. What is the definition of supplement? Well I'm glad you asked. Let's ask Webster - Supplement is something that completes or makes an addition to. So, let's say you had a protein shake for breakfast, and a protein shake for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. What exactly did you complete or add to since all you had was protein shakes. The purpose of the protein shake is to use as a supplement to something that you would normally have but can't have at the moment. So, if it's time for breakfast and you don't have time to cook, grab a protein shake. Then when it's time for lunch, you intentionally prepare your lunch. If it's time for a snack and you don't want to eat a full meal for a snack, now the protein shake becomes a supplement and the same for dinner.
Protein shakes are not to be your main source of nutrients. Yes, you may lose weight by drinking protein shakes, but is this something you will be doing for the rest of your life? I have drunk slim-fast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and by the end of the night I'm starving. Why, because I put nothing of substance in my body. And, I still end up snacking throughout the day.
So, forget about the supplemental protein shakes and eat a meal. They are only good to supplement a meal when you can't get one.
If you have been successful in living off protein shakes, I would love to met you and see how much muscle mass you have. This is just not something I would recommend for any of my clients, friends of family.
In the words of Madea's brother - DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT.
Lisa D.
Protein drinks and or any other meal supplement is just that... a meal supplement. What is the definition of supplement? Well I'm glad you asked. Let's ask Webster - Supplement is something that completes or makes an addition to. So, let's say you had a protein shake for breakfast, and a protein shake for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. What exactly did you complete or add to since all you had was protein shakes. The purpose of the protein shake is to use as a supplement to something that you would normally have but can't have at the moment. So, if it's time for breakfast and you don't have time to cook, grab a protein shake. Then when it's time for lunch, you intentionally prepare your lunch. If it's time for a snack and you don't want to eat a full meal for a snack, now the protein shake becomes a supplement and the same for dinner.
Protein shakes are not to be your main source of nutrients. Yes, you may lose weight by drinking protein shakes, but is this something you will be doing for the rest of your life? I have drunk slim-fast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and by the end of the night I'm starving. Why, because I put nothing of substance in my body. And, I still end up snacking throughout the day.
So, forget about the supplemental protein shakes and eat a meal. They are only good to supplement a meal when you can't get one.
If you have been successful in living off protein shakes, I would love to met you and see how much muscle mass you have. This is just not something I would recommend for any of my clients, friends of family.
In the words of Madea's brother - DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT... DON'T DO IT.
Lisa D.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Change Your Mind... Change Your Body...Your Life
Yesterday I had the privilege to be on Let's Talk Radio with Pastor Juan G. and Evie. OMG, it was amazing. However, what we discovered is people really do not know how to go about making a lifestyle change. Many think all they need to do is get up and exercise, eat as little as possible and the weight will come off. But I am the one that's here to be the carrier of bad news. THAT WILL NOT WORK. We must first start with the MIND.
Joyce Myer has a book "The Battlefield of The Mind." if you have not read it, please do. Well, as in anything, the mind first has to change. You have to be mentally ready to stop eating and or start eating, if you're one that does not eat.
Even the Bible says, there must be a renewing of the mind in order to serve Christ. It works the same way. You have to renew your mind to serve yourself... change the way you think about you, change the way you think about your body, change the way you think about your heart and your family.
Twelve years ago, I made up my mind to take care of me and I've been doing it every since.
What do you need to change in your mind? Is it the people you're around, is it getting over some past hurts, is it FORGIVING SOMEONE. All of that and more can cause you to sabotage your own success.
This is where I am today.... My life is much more important than the people I serve. If it makes me EAT, then it has to go.
Lisa D.
Joyce Myer has a book "The Battlefield of The Mind." if you have not read it, please do. Well, as in anything, the mind first has to change. You have to be mentally ready to stop eating and or start eating, if you're one that does not eat.
Even the Bible says, there must be a renewing of the mind in order to serve Christ. It works the same way. You have to renew your mind to serve yourself... change the way you think about you, change the way you think about your body, change the way you think about your heart and your family.
Twelve years ago, I made up my mind to take care of me and I've been doing it every since.
What do you need to change in your mind? Is it the people you're around, is it getting over some past hurts, is it FORGIVING SOMEONE. All of that and more can cause you to sabotage your own success.
This is where I am today.... My life is much more important than the people I serve. If it makes me EAT, then it has to go.
Lisa D.
Friday, January 18, 2013
What's Different This Time
I am preparing to teach another Health Is Wealth Fitness Challenge at my church. This is our 4tth year doing this challenge. On yesterday, I spoke with one of the young ladies that is helping to organize the challenge and I asked her, "What is different this time?" She couldn't answer me honestly. One excuse after another. Well, I'm tired of the excuses.
You see every year, it's the same ladies that come to the challenge wanting to lose weight, but they didn't change their mind about what it is going to take to make that lifesyle change. As much as I enjoy training and helping others reach their goals, I have got to be honest with them. If you have not changed your mind about taking care of your body, then you are not ready to change.
When ever there are no sacrifices made, there is no value to the job. Sacrifices add value to the process.
So, I'll say to those that are preparing for the Fitness Challenge, Prepare your minds before you prepare your workout ensemble.
I can't help people if their minds are not ready for the change. Tell me, what is the one thing you're struggling with that's keeping you fromreching your goal?
Oh yell, please check out my friend +Katherine Waddell at thisneedstobesaid.com. Check out her blogtalk radio broadcast everyday at 2:00 pm on Blogtalkradio.com.
You see every year, it's the same ladies that come to the challenge wanting to lose weight, but they didn't change their mind about what it is going to take to make that lifesyle change. As much as I enjoy training and helping others reach their goals, I have got to be honest with them. If you have not changed your mind about taking care of your body, then you are not ready to change.
When ever there are no sacrifices made, there is no value to the job. Sacrifices add value to the process.
So, I'll say to those that are preparing for the Fitness Challenge, Prepare your minds before you prepare your workout ensemble.
I can't help people if their minds are not ready for the change. Tell me, what is the one thing you're struggling with that's keeping you fromreching your goal?
Oh yell, please check out my friend +Katherine Waddell at thisneedstobesaid.com. Check out her blogtalk radio broadcast everyday at 2:00 pm on Blogtalkradio.com.
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