Being present is so important in your life. I wrote this in my book - "Don't be so ready for tomorrow because you'll miss what you have today." So, I am not surprised Dr. Wayne Dyer has this in his list of ways to forgive someone who has hurt you.
Here is what Dr. Wayne has to say:
When we find it difficult to forgive, often it is because we are not living in the present, and instead, we assign more importance to the past. We assign a good portion of our energy and attention lamenting the good old days that are gone forever as the reason why we can't be happy and fulfilled today. "Everything has changed." "No one respects anyone else like they used to..." This is assigning responsibility to the past for why you can't be happy today.
It's doubtful that other creatures waste the present moment in thoughts of past and future. A beaver only does beaver, and he does it right in the moment. He doesn't spend his days ruminating over the fact that his beaver siblings received more attention, or his father beaver ran off with a younger beaver when he was growing up. He's always in the now. We can learn much from God's creatures about enjoying the present moment rather than using it up consumed with anger over the past or worry about the future. Practice living in the moment by appreciating the beauty around you now.
Living as a human is totally different from living as a creature of the wild or our four footed animal friends, however we are the most intelligent creatures He's created. We worry about things and we compare our current lives to what we had before.
I'll share this story with you. Growing up as a child I remember feeling like my parents gave me away to my grandmother. For years I felt like the black sheep of the family, I actually would tell people I was the black sheep of the family. When we would have family gatherings and my parents friends would come over, they would ask my parents who was I, they would always say, "oh she's the one that lives with Mazaree (my dad's mom). They never said my name... so when people saw me, they would say, "oh you're the one that lives with Mazaree." That went on for years. Even at my grandmother's funeral, people were saying that. It wasn't until my grandmother died that I knew why I was given to my grandmother and after finding out why my parents did what they did, I no loner felt like the black sheep of the family. I then knew God had a reason for that happening and if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be the woman I am today. Even without my father being in the home perse', I do not use that as an excuse for my 2 failed marriages or my pregnancy at 16. I don't look back at the past anymore. I use it to help encourage others that life can always be better than what you perceived it to be in your past.
Today is all I have, so I'll be sure to make the best of it. I suggest you do the same.
Remember, to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa