This is a story about the broken hinge. I'm not sure if you've had something broken around the house that you just kinda ignored hoping some how it would either fix itself or be fixed by someone else. Well that's the case of the broken hinge. For about a year and a half the bottom hinge to my storage room door has been broken. We kept saying we were going to get it fixed or call Lopez over to fix it, but that never happened. What did happen was, we adapted to the broken door with the broken hinge. We learned how to lift the door in order to close it properly. We learned how to push it harder to close after a good rain, which often time made the door frame swell from moisture. We even learned how to adapt to it it hanging when loading the washer to do laundry.
So, this past weekend, I was fed up so I decided to do a DIY project and that broken hinge was the first thing to get done. After about an three hours I had the new door hinges on the door and properly working. Now comes the amazing part of this story. I had to do laundry that evening, and even though the door was fixed, I was still opening and closing the door as if it was still broken. I laughed at myself and said, "wow, this door has been broken so long I forgot how to close it properly" That got me to thinking.
Have you ever adapted to something broken that it took you a while to adjust to it being fixed and back in its original state? This is the part of life that we need to try to move quick in. Don't let things stay broken so long that you no longer know how to operate it in its original state. That include you, your spirit, and your soul.
Do not stay broken so long that you no longer know how to operate in the original design God created you to be.
Remember to Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa