As I sat at the bus stop, a young man by the name of Mr. Carter came and sat down beside me. Mr. Carter probably was around 70 years old. He looked like he could have been homeless or had some pretty hard challenges in his life. As Mr. Carter sat down beside me, I spoke and asked him how was he doing. He said he was doing fine and he asked me the same. I of course said I was doing GREAT. Mr. Carter and I carried on several pretty interesting conversation while he waited at the bus stop. We talked about the Billingsley neighborhood. That's where my job is located. He's a Charlottean and knew about the history of that side of town since it was where he grew up. I learned that Billingsley Road was named after a black man who was pretty well off financially during the early years. I also learned about the first black school built by black carpenters, The Billingsville School, which is located in the Grier Heights neighborhood. He talked about his days in the military and how he had dreams of becoming a politician, but life happened. (he never forgot his dream). As we continued to talk, I asked him did he know the Lord, he said yes he knew the Lord. So, I asked him what was his thoughts on same sex marriage. (This was right after the supreme court passed same sex marriage. )
Mr. Carter stated that as a politician he pretty much had to stay neutral on those subjects. So I asked him how would he feel if he didn't have a politician's mindset, how would he feel then. He was straddling the fence on the subject. So, I posed a question for him.... What if everyone married the same sex, then how would he or I be would have gotten here today? He thought, silently. I gave him the example of the power plug and the power outlet. In each there is a negative and a positive, male and female. The negative end of the power plug cannot fit into the negative side of the power outlet and the positive side of the power cord cannot fit in the positive side of the power outlet. Therefore, two of the same thing cannot produce power when put together. They want even fit. Therefore there is no possibility of any power being produced. There must be a positive (male) and a negative (female) to produce power. Mr. Carter smiled, and said "I never thought about it like that. So with that being said, I am for male and female because I like having power, and I'm glad I'm here." We laughed and said AMEN! He thanked me for spending my lunch time with him and wished me a blessed day. I thank him for spending that time with me and sharing his bus stop time with me. I left Mr. Carter feeling pretty good.... :)
Today's Lesson -
1. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers, you might just learn something
2. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts on current events, you just might change the mind of the person you're talking to.
3. Don't be afraid to share your faith, you just might win someone to Christ
4. And finally, Don't be afraid to eat lunch at the bus stop.....
Remember to Smile Everyday, Show up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within
Be blessed,
Ms. Lisa
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa