I wonder if he really loves me being the way I am, you know-- all LOUD and stuff? I know I'm in trouble, I know I am. I know he's going to get me when we get in the car. I know he's going to tell me not to do that anymore once we get in the house. I know my parents didn't love me the way they loved the others because they gave me away to my grandma. I know my son is not going to make it as a man because he didn't have his father in his life.
These are just a few of the thoughts I've had as a girl, woman, mother, and wife. I believe,you, perhaps, have thought some of the same things as well. What I realize, I could think all I wanted, but my thinking was contributing to what I was feeling. I would tell myself that he can't love me because I've been married twice, had affairs in my past, and just not worthy of the gift God had for me. I was thinking this way and soon began feeling this way. I was feeling disconnected from my family because my parents thought it would be good for me to live with my grandmother. With that thought in mind, I began feeling like the black sheep of the family. I was thinking my son was not going to be a great man because there wasn't a father in the home. The things I was thinking created feelings within me that were further from the truth.
As I was going through my TRUTH, I realized, it didn't matter how many times I was married or if I had affairs in the past, I was worthy of love and it wasn't my past he wanted to be apart of, it was my now, and my future he was interested in. When I finally got the nerve to ask my parents about "WHY" I was the one chosen to live with grandma, I realized, it wasn't about me, it was about her and the emptiness she had in her own life. What my parents saw, was a chance for my grandmother to have the daughter she never had. I was a precious gift given to grandma to bring joy into her life. Somehow they knew I would be okay being with her. Even with no father in the home, my son is the priest, provider, and protector of his family.
Today, begin thinking about what you are thinking and feeling. Make a connection between your thinking and your feelings. Your thinking really does contribute to the anxiety you have and could even be the cause of the sickness in your body. It's okay to think and feel, just let your thinking and feelings be validated based on the truth that you know, not the truth that you think or feel.
How are you thinking?
Find Peace Within
Remember to, Smile Everyday, Show Up Everyday, and Succeed Everyday
Be blessed,
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa