As I got older I wanted to be thin, that was the beginning of my eating disorder, People would pick at my big butt,They would say, "Lisa got a big old butt, oh yell." You'll remember the song. - Well I refused to be fat so I did what others did to not be fat.... laxatives, and throwing up. Needless to say, I developed an eating disorder and I never got fat, but it wasn't because of that, it just wasn't in my future.
I remember wearing certain glasses to look older because of who I was dating or married to at the time. I remember wearing long skirts to my ankle because that's the way my husband wanted me to wear it. I remember NEVER cutting my long hair because that's the way someone else wanted it.
Now today, I have short hair...I did by the way have long hair until I was 38. I don't throw-up anymore of take laxatives and there isn't anyone in the world I want to be like other than Lisa Dalton. I found 5 steps to help me become authentic and those 5 steps have helped me to remain to myself to this day. It has taken me about 3 years to get here but I am here and there isn't much that can shake me from being my AUTHENTIC SELF.
Find Peace Within,
Ms. Lisa D.
Click on the link below to find out the steps I used to becoming the Authentic Lisa you know today. 5 Steps to Being Authentic
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Thank you,
Ms. Lisa