This Vegan Journey has taken me on many excursion and discoveries, many I didn't enjoy and some I will visit again. Last week I shared how I had to make a change in my Vegan journey as I discovered I was not as strong as I was prior to going Vegan. Sometimes you just have to go back to what you know. With that in mind, I added one day where I eat fish. I think it's called Pescatarian...Never heard of it... have you? I was talking with one of my many fitness friends Charleszetta, and she mentioned Pescatarian, that's what she practices. Where the only meat they eat is fish. Now I must say, cooking the fish was easier because it didn't require a lot of time, Mrs Dash and 8 minutes in the skillet for both sides and you're done. The 5 oz.'s of fish had 21 grams of protein in it. Just what I needed and I worked out that day and l could tell the difference in my performance. I didn't give out after my 3rd set of 15's. I even increased it to 15 pounds on the last set and was able to complete the entire circuit without dropping my weights. So, what was the lesson here... Do what works for your body.
So my next discovery was Vegan Burgers. I have been looking for a recipe for Vegan Burgers that didn't require a lot of ingredients and guess what I have it. I didn't find it though. One of my dear friends Michelle Coleman saw the link and hit me on face book with the link. I told her I would try it this weekend and I did. A WINNER for sure!!! :). And it wasn't hard to mix nor expensive to buy. I am one of those persons that don't think too hard about motto "Analyzes Paralyzes" I just dive in. So, that's what I did here. On Saturday I stopped by Food Lion and got my ingredients: 2 cans of Kidney Beans (I got the light skinned ones) 1 can of Hunt's Tomato Paste. I already had the other ingredients. I was soooo excited about preparing the meal. Now I look forward to cooking. This is what you'll need:
1. 2 cans of Kidney Beans
2. 1 cup Brown Rice (cooked)
3. 1 cup rolled oats (I used Whole Grain Steel Cut Oats -Aldi Bran)
4 1/4 cup Tomato Paste (spaghetti sauce)
5/ 1/2 tsp garlic powder
6. 1/2 tsp onion powder
7. 1/2 tsp Mrs. Dash
If you don't like getting your hands dirty in the kitchen then I recommend you put on gloves. First you will cook your rice. Drain the Kidney Beans ( I rinsed mine to get the sodium off). Place the beans in a bowl and mash the beans like you do mash potatoes or sweet potatoes for your sweet potato pie. Leave a few chunks of beans just because... then add in your brown rice, oats, tomato paste and seasonings. Pat the burgers into hamburger patties and let them sit in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. I let mine stay in for about 2.5 hours while I worked in the yard. I cooked mine in olive oil. You'll need a little oil since the ingredients do not contain oil To prepare them, grill them or cook on the stove. I topped mine with some BBQ sauce for flavor. I also put some red peppers on top because I like spicy stuff. There you have it my Vegan Burger Steak..I call it a steak since I didn't eat it with any bread. I must say it was really good. I will certainly put this one in rotation.
My Vegan Life- this new life has not only changed the way I eat but it's changed the way I look at food I never thought of eating Kidney Beans differently. As a child, my grandmother cooked Kidney Beans all the time but never did she mash them up to make burgers. Innovative thinking is what we would call today... but grandma would call it stretching a dollar....$$$$$
I am coping the link to the original poster. Can't be caught plagiarizing.
What I know for sure: Food that has been around for years has taken on a new form. There are many new foods on the market but some foods you will have with you always... Mashed Kidney Beans turned Vegan Burger.. who would have thunk it. Maybe it was someone just STRETCHING A DOLLAR.
Be blessed
Remember Life is about Living and Giving
Find yourself something doing it.
Ms. Lisa
Great article!