Lisa 6:3 - "Liberty and Justification for All!" Romans 5:1-2. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.
This blog was created to educate, empower, and equip you on how to live a whole life by finding peace within. My motto is "Smile Everyday, Show-up Everyday, Succeed Everyday". When you've taken time to get in touch with who you are spiritually, you'll be able to deal with everything that's thrown your way. I've learned how to stay centered through meditation and spending time with the Lord. I pray you'll find the same peace I have within.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Justice for All! - When Soul and the Cross Meets
Thursday, April 22, 2021
One Size Fits All - When Sanctification and Soul Meets
Lisa 6:3 - "One Size Fits All" Hebrews 10:12-
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
However, Mercy Found Me- When Soul and Mercy Meets
Lisa 6:3- "...However...Mercy Found Me!" I Tim. 15-16
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Lisa 6:3 - Phil. 2:12-13- "Get a Salvation Pedometer and track your Walk"
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Don't Play With Me! - "When Soul and Destiny Meets"
Lisa 6:3 - "Don't Play With Me!" 2 Kings 4:8,14-17. The Shunamite Woman. Sometimes we look at a situation and say there is no way what you're saying is going to happen. ---- sooo we don't even put forth the effort to try. But how will you ever know it can happen if you don't try? The Shunamite woman was told by the Prophet Elisha, she would conceive a son by HER HUSBAND who was OLD. She said, "Don't Play With Me"... do you not see I'm married to an old man!" Yes, Elisha saw that, but Elisha also knew what God said.
The Shunamite Woman had enough faith in the word of God and in the man of God, she opened herself to her husband and conceived. This is God's strength for you today. Yes, the promise came years ago, but are you willing to open yourself up to the person who has the seed and conceived the promises God has for you? You're never too old to conceive and bring forth the promises from God. This has been Lisa with Lisa 6:3, you go make it a great day and I will see you in the morning. Be Blessed.
Be Blessed, Ms. Lisa
Friday, March 26, 2021
The Lord Remembers You in the Time of Famine - When Soul and Restoration Meets
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Grits, Ketchup, and Hot Sauce A meal fit for a king-When Soul and Legacy Meets
January 18, 2021, the family group text went out "hello family, dad was rushed to the hospital and the prognosis does not look good!" We all begin to pray. January 22, 2020, the family group text went out "hello family, it's with a sad heart I must report at 10:30 am Dad has taken his wings to heaven and has passed on to glory!" :(
To everything there is a season so Ecclesiastes 3:2 "A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted." Ecclesiastes 3:20 "All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again." These two verses of scripture are more real to me to day than it has ever been. It's something when it happens to other people, but it's something ELSE when it happens to you.
Yes, my awesome father and dad has gone on to be with the Lord. But the craziest thing is this, I knew in my heart he wouldn't be with us much longer. I went home the weekend before dad went to the hospital to do some cleaning for mom. Mom is 83 and can't quit clean the way she used to. I enjoy cleaning so I do it for them. As I watched my dad walk slowly from his bedroom to the den I was saying to myself; it's not going to be long now. Dad told me that he was tired. When the seniors say they are tired, that means they are tired of suffering and they are ready to go on to heaven.
My mom prepared his breakfast, grits with hot sauce and ketchup, eggs and sausage. He sat at the head of his table like he always does and enjoyed his meal. While eating breakfast, he had a conference call with the church leadership. I listened to my dad as he spoke with the deacons and trustees at his church. Deacon Douglas asked him if he there was something he wanted to say. Of course my dad had something to say, he always does. This is what he said.
"I am sitting here at the head of my table, looking out the window. I'm not sure how many more days I'm gonna have like this, but I thank The good Lord for letting me sit at my table and I don't know how many more calls like this I'll be on. Now, I want you men to learn how to work together and be about our Father's business." That really stuck with me. Again, I knew it wouldn't be long before he would be gone.
As I prepared to go back home, my dad says this to me, "tell your husband I said thank you for letting you come and take care of me and your mom!" I was like okay dad... not really understanding why he would say that as I've come home many times to clean and run errands for them. But this time, there was something different in his voice. I kissed my dad, told him I loved him and he said the same. Two weeks later, he was gone.
My daddy loved his grits with ketchup and hot sauce. LOL. AND so does all the children. We all put hot sauce and ketchup on our grits. I'm not sure why he did it, but if it was good enough for my daddy, then it's good enough for me. That meal is one of the many legacies my dad left with us. All eleven of us!
One thing I know for sure, my dad along with all his ways will be a part of our lives forever. Live like it's your last day, love like you'll never have it again, forgive the way Christ forgives, and like in peace with all men.
Learn to enjoy the simple things in life, much like my dad...have your grits and eggs with some hot sauce and ketchup.
Remember to Smile, Show up and Succeed Everyday
Find Peace Within,
Be Blessed,
Ms. Lisa D.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Uncle Frank - When Ma'ma Knows All
Why do you hate me so much? What have I done so terrible that would cause you to not want to be in my presence? What is it so hard for you to say my name or even acknowledge that I exist?
Recently I watched the movie "Uncle Frank" on Amazon Prime. If you haven't seen the movie or don't have access to Amazon Prime, you should think about investing in it, even if it's just to watch this movie. I was curious about the movie "Uncle Frank", because it spoke of a relationship between an uncle and his niece. Uncle Frank was different than the rest of the family. He was smart, intelligent, quiet spirited, and a professor at a college in New York City. That alone, made him interesting to his niece, Beth.
Uncle Frank encouraged Beth to do good in school which would be an opened door for her to attend any college she liked. And she did just that. So, Beth gets accepted at the New York University where her uncle teaches. But what she didn't know was that her favorite Uncle Frank was living a double life and so was his partner.
You see, it wasn't popular to have an opened gay relationship during this time; which lead Uncle Frank to hide his true identity and his relationship. Not until the death of his father. While reading the will of Frank's father, the attorney read what Frank's father thought of him as a gay man. His father was ashamed of him and his lifestyle. His father caught him having an intimate moment with a boy when he was 16. His father, who was supposed to be a devout Christian. He told him he was to never see that boy again and that he and the boy were going to hell. That moment, was the beginning of Uncle Frank's arrested development. He hid his feeing for the same sex for years until he moved away to New York.
Uncle Frank was devastated and felt no one loved him any more. When Uncle Frank hears his mother call his name, the little boy Frank walks into the room and sits on the chair across from him mom. His mother begins to explain to him how his father was afraid of his lifestyle because he didn't know anything about it. In his father's world, that was not acceptable behavior. Frank goes and lays in his mother's lap, much like a child would whose in pain. Hi mommy told him that she loved him and spoke the most profound word, "Ma'ma's always knows!" That was the moment Uncle Frank was waiting for and needed.
He needed to know he was still loved by his mother regardless. Many of us, like Uncle Frank, are hiding because of our lifestyle and the choices we've made. Many of us are ashamed of the decisions we've made and have created a story in our minds that the world will not accept me as I am. But, have we given the world a chance? Much like ma'am. They will still love you.
My message today is this... even if you are scared of being who you are and standing in your truth...give the world a chance. and if the world rejects you.. that's okay too.. if they accept you, that's okay too. At least you're not lying nor are you hiding anymore.
When the truth is revealed, all fear and shame is gone.
- Remember to always be truthful in your truth
- Don't lie to yourself about how you think other people feel
- And remember, you're not alone. As my granny would say, "You're not the first and you want be the last."
Remember to Find Peace Within
Blessings to you,
Ms. Lisa