This week has been filled with some exciting events. Last week I shared with you about the incident with my toe on my right foot. Well the toe has gotten a little but not enough for me to go back to my normal high impact workouts. What I realized this week, was this... I was using my sore toe as an excuse not to work out hard. It was hard for me to do any of the DVD workouts because I cannot do any plyometric moves, I can't do planks or jump up and down. I can't do lunges and squats hurt my knees. So I just basically was doing upper body workouts, which did not help me with burning a lot of calories. Then to top it off, my dear Loving Husband called me out. You see, I was preparing to settle down Wednesday night and my Love asked me if I was going to do the Wrap Thing from Angie. Angie is my sister-n-law. I told him that I was thinking about. He said, yell, I think you should try it. The wrap is this thing that you put on your belly to help it go down. I have this little muffin top on my lower ab and for the life of me I can't get it to go away. Many days I think it's because of me going through menopause. He asked me if I was still doing my crunches... I laughed and said ahhh yell...My Love told me that I was getting slack...and I gave him the sad face...
I didn't get mad about it, I thought about what he said and said okay Love. I know the intent of his hurt, that's why I didn't get mad. He likes what He likes... and I'm the wife to make sure he gets what he likes... lol. You want believe what I did next.... LOL. I immediately got in my car and went to Blast Fitness and joined for $12.00 and $10.00 a month. I have been there every day since I joined. My Love's comment pushed me into getting back in the gym. I miss working out at the gym, I call it my studio, my second home. DVD's are good when you just can't make it to the gym, but there no place like the gym.... Surprised I didn't say church was my second home. I really love the gym. I jumped in just like I never left. Man, it's been at least 2 years since I've been inside a REAL gym and it's only 5 minutes from my house. LOVING IT! So I'm back in training mode... and back to eating CHICKEN... I don't know how to be in training mode without CHICKEN... :).
Then the most amazing thing happened in my career. Tuesday I had the amazing opportunity to speak to a group of future leaders at ITT Technical College. My friend Marjorie invited me to speak to her Business class. She asked me to speak on Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. It was an awesome time of sharing with the students. You just don't know where or when God is going to use you. After the class, Dean Walker told me I had to come back and of course I said yes. Many of the students thank me for sharing my story and encouraged me to continue sharing. On the way home from the school, I began asking myself WHY DID I GO TO COLLEGE AND WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY BUSINESS DEGREE...??? I didn't get an answer on the way home but I did have this conversation with myself.
Who was I to be speaking on a college platform? I don't have a college degree, I am not a college instructor, I am not a professor, nor am I a preacher. What I am is just a person who enjoys sharing my story and am committed to helping people transform their lives by educating, empowering, and encouraging people to CHANGE their lives for the better. During my Thursday morning meditation, I asked the Lord, Why did I go to College? He said, "You went to college because you got promoted on your job, but the college degree is going to open doors for you and allow your gift to be on platforms where you will share my experience." Now I know why I am in college. It's not to open my own gym, or manage a team of people for someone that does not value my gift, but it is for me to get the knowledge I need to help others succeed at life.
This weeks lesson has taught me two things, there are no-excuses for not working out. The gym has many options available regardless of your limitations. Second, I learned that we may start out doing a thing for one reason and God will turn it around and show us the REAL reason.
What I know for sure: It doesn't matter what situation you're end, there is always another way to get it done and it is important to first believe and trust in God and second believe and trust in yourself.
Find peace within,
Ms. Lisa